Indonesian to English
mebel furniture.
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  1. furnitur
    (mebel, perabot)
  2. perabot
mebeler1 pertaining to furniture. 2 furniture.
furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy
perabotan yang membuat ruangan atau area lain yang siap untuk hunian
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

furniture, furnitures, product


Jake Cress seorang pembuat mebel,
So Jake Cress is this furniture maker,
dan dia membuat perangkat mebel yang luar biasa.
and he makes this unbelievable set of furniture.
aku lebih suka mebel modern
i prefer modern furniture
artikel untuk gaun mebel atau
articles for dress furniture or
bantal dan mebel berlapis kain
cushions and upholstered furniture
bekerja atas mebel kayu memerlukan
working upon wooden furniture requiring
cetakan atau tangga atau mebel
moldings or stairways or furniture
dan bantal dan kain mebel
and cushions and upholstered furniture
dan mebel tersebut bahan bahan
and its furniture the materials
dan penutup mebel dan sebelumnya
and furniture coverings and formerly
digunakan untuk mebel dan bangunan
used for furniture and building
disediakan untuk mebeler kurang lebih
for the renovation is
gaun mebel atau penggunaan barang
dress furniture or use goods
hiasan dan penutup mebel dan
hangings and furniture coverings and
hiasan hias appendage perhiasan mebel
garnishes ornamental appendage embellishment furniture
inc yang mengimpor mebel dan
inc which imports furniture and
industri kayu dan mebel kayu
the timber and wooden furniture
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