Indonesian to English
melangkah maju progressing
melangkah maju
please wait
by Xamux Translate
melangkahstep over, stride by, skip, disregard, over step
majuforward, advance, progress

Related Word(s)

forward, stepped


seseorang harus melangkah maju,
somebody needs to step up,
untuk melangkah maju melindungi beberapa daerah ini,
to move ahead to protect some of these
"Kita harus melakukan lebih, Kita harus melangkah maju."
"Yes, we need more. We need to move forward."
jika kita memahaminya, kita dapat melangkah maju.
if we understand, we can really move forward.
Dan mereka akan melangkah maju.
And they will step up.
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