melas | |||
melasa | molasses. |
melasah | see "lasah" |
melasahkan | thoroughly exploit |
erythromelas dan musim panas redbird erythromelas and the summer redbird
haloragidaceae melastomaceae lecythidaceae lythraceae rhizophorales haloragidaceae melastomaceae lecythidaceae lythraceae rhizophoraceae
melas juga kadang kadang diterapkan melas also sometimes applied
melastomaceae lecythidaceae lythraceae rhizophorales onagraceae melastomaceae lecythidaceae lythraceae rhizophoraceae onagraceae
melastomataceae asiatik semak dengan kasar melastomataceae asiatic shrubs with leathery
pimephales promelas disebut juga hitam pimephales promelas called also black
piranga erythromelas dan musim panas piranga erythromelas and the summer
promelas disebut juga hitam berkepala promelas called also black headed
tanager piranga erythromelas dan musim tanager piranga erythromelas and the
termasuk rosaceae crassulaceae myrtaceae melastomaceae including rosaceae crassulaceae myrtaceae melastomaceae