melenyapkan | |||
afar, avert, clearing, condemn, consume, cure, curing, cut, defeat, destroy, disinherit, ease, extirpate, famish, healing, nullify, obliterate, obliterating, outlaw, plots, rebut, remove, removing, shake, swept, wipe, withdraw |
Contohdan untuk melenyapkan ilalang. and to shake out the grasses.
dan melenyapkan beberapa kota terbesar di dunia dari peta. and remove some of the biggest cities from the map.
dan mendebat orang-orang yang ingin melenyapkan I debate people who literally want to obliterate
Hal itu melenyapkan sebagian kelumpuhan saya. It's removed some of my paralysis.
di mana kita melenyapkan kebebasan binatang ini where we remove the autonomy from these animals
setelah melenyapkan hama yang jahat, kutu trip. after wiping out the bad ones, the thrips.
Jika kita melenyapkan serangga dari planet ini, hanya serangga -- If we were to wipe out insects alone, just that group alone, on this planet --