melepas | |||
melepas blok | unblock |
melepas dari engsel | unheding |
melepas dari induk | unhitched |
melepas dari pasangan | unhitch |
melepas gerendel | unbar |
melepas gulungan | unwind |
melepas kaitan | unhook |
melepas kawat/steker | unplug |
melepas sekerup | unbolt |
melepas sekrup | screw-off |
melepas sumbu peledak | defuse |
melepas tali | unlaced |
melepas tembakan | opening fire on |
melepas tembakan kepada | take a shot at |
melepas tembakan pada | open fire on |
melepas tusuknya | dropped a stitch |
melepas/membuka tali | unlace |
melepasi | discharge, fulfill |
melepaskan | release, discharge |
melepaskan dari genggaman | let go of |
disconnect, dispatching, disposes, divested, easy, forth, greeting, let, merged, nose, off, opened, popped, release, released, releases, releasing, relinquish, remove, removing, sell, send, sent, take, taken, took, undoing, unfasten, unfastened, unleashed |
ContohJadi jika Anda mempercayainya, otak mereka tidak melepas oksitosin. So if you trust them, their brains don't release oxytocin.
Sudah pasti mereka juga melepas oksitosin. And they indeed also release oxytocin.
Kita menemukan bahwa orang yang melepas oksitosin lebih banyak We have found that people who release more oxytocin
politik tampak tidak mau melepas orang-orang seperti saya. politics doesn't seem to escape people like me.
"Apakah sekarang saatnya untuk melepas celana saya?" 'Is now the time to take off my pants?'"
Amazon melepas Wikileaks dari pelanggan Amazon webhosting dropped Wikileaks as a customer
melepas sepatu Anda atau mengeluarkan pesawat Anda dari hanggar, taking off your shoes or pulling your airplane out of the hanger,
Jika Anda meminjamkan Gulfstream Anda, saya akan melepas semua sayapnya dan menghasilkan 1 megawatt untuk Anda. If you'd loan me your Gulfstream, I'll rip its wings off and generate you a megawatt.
untuk melepas atau menghilangkan to wash away, or strip,
Selama ini saya selalu cedera, dan di awal usia 40-an, saya melepas sepatu I was injured all my life, and then in my early 40s I got rid of my shoes
Dan mereka bersiap melepas si anak pulang. And they were ready to let the kid go.
mereka melepas selubung luarnya, they remove the outer shell,
Sistem itu melepas panas ke atmosfir dalam jumlah besar They give off a lot of heat into the atmosphere,
saat mereka melepas sepatu points mereka? when they come out of the points?
dan melepas potensinya secara total. and unleash his total potential.
melepas obat itu di dalam tubuh Anda deliver them inside your body
yang membuat saya melepas topi CEO saya selama seminggu that led me to take my CEO hat off for a week
dan dia melepas satu tangannya, mencapainya kembali, and he just took one hand off, reached back,
Aku takut jika aku melepas topiku I worried that [if] I took my hat off
dan para pendirinya sudah gila telah melepas pekerjaan bergengsi mereka, and the founders are insane to chalk up their blue-chip jobs,
Saya memutuskan untuk melepas kunang-kunang I decided that releasing fireflies
kita tidak bisa melepas salah satu hanya karena ketakutan, and we can't give up any of them because they look daunting,
Nah, anda pasti pernah melepas plester dari luka anda, Now, you must have all taken a Band-Aid off at some point,
pertanyaan bagaimana cara melepas plester dari pasien penderita luka bakar. in this question of how do you take bandages off burn patients.
dan menceritakan kepada mereka apa yang saya temukan tentang cara melepas plester. and tell them what I found out about removing bandages.
mengangkat, dan melepas plester dari seseorang yang saya sukai, taking, removing the bandages of somebody I liked,
Anda melepas pusat perhatian dari diri Anda sendiri, you dethrone yourself from the center of your world,
Karena panas, saya melepas sepatu saya, Because of the heat, I took my shoes off,