Indonesian to English
melewati pass by, exceed
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  1. melampaui
    (melalui, melangkahi, melangkaui, melewati, melintasi, menerobos, melebihi, meninggalkan, melanggar, mengabaikan, menyalahi)
  2. melebihi
  3. meninggalkan
  4. melalui
  5. melintasi
  6. memintasi
  7. menempuh
  8. mengarungi
  9. meniti
  10. menjalani
  11. menyeberangi
  12. menyelusuri
  13. merandai melangkahi
  14. melangkaui
  15. melompati
melewati dengan cepatbreeze by
melewati dengan kencangshoot by/past
melewati jalan ituwent that way
melewati malam dengan selamatsurvived the night
melewati sasaranoverreach the mark
melewati/mengalirran by

Related Word(s)

accross, across, around, beyond, business, bypass, bypassed, bypasses, bypassing, came, cleared, coal, cross, crossed, crossing, door, examined, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, exceeds, get, getting, go, goes, gone, higher, make, miss, moments, move, out


dan roadrunner berlari melewati tebing itu,
and the roadrunner runs off a cliff,
sesaat setelah dia melewati tebing itu dan sebelum dia melihat ke bawah
after he's gone off the cliff and before he looks down.
"Aku ingin menulis tentang Video games. Tentang bagaimana aku bisa melewati tiap level permainan.
"I want to write about video games. I want to write about leveling-up.
Saya pikir kita baru saja melewati
I think we've just stumbled across
untuk menemani dan mengemudi melewati mobil polisi.
to come with me and drive by a police car.
Dalam waktu dua menit, tiga orang hanya berlalu lalang melewati Wang Yue yang berusia dua tahun.
Within two minutes, three people pass two-year-old Wang Yue by.
yang berjalan melewati Wang Yue,
who walked past Wang Yue,
dan melewati mobil-mobil ini, tidak begitu menyenangkan.
and pass these cars, then that's not very nice.
yang kemudian, bila melewati ambang batas tertentu,
which then, if they pass a certain threshold,
Anda lihat di sini seekor tikus sedang berusaha melewati labirin.
And what you see here is a mouse trying to solve a maze.
memompanya melewati mekanisme pertukaran panas,
pumping it through the heat exchange mechanism,
Satu-satunya hal yang dapat membuat saya melewati periode itu
The only thing that got us through that period
Dan saat mereka mendesing melewati Anda,
And as they whiz by you,
Nah, karena kita tidak bisa mengirim buku di melewati perbatasan,
Well, because we can't transport books across borders,
kita dapat mengirim buku-buku melewati perbatasan
we can transport those books across borders
Dan biarkan lagu itu memberi Anda kekuatan untuk bertahan melewati pekerjaan Anda.
And let it give you some strength to get the next few moments on your job.
Yang bagusnya adalah, suatu hari pria itu melewati kamar putrinya,
So the nice thing was is he walked by his daughter's room at some point,
"Kendaraan ini tidak bisa melewati gerbang tol saat sayapnya terbuka" --
"But that won't fit through a toll booth with the wings extended --
yang melewati setiap ombak dengan berani,
dipping bravely into each wave,
melewati sisa lapisan pengamanan selanjutnya.
through the remaining layers of security.
Saya harus melewati tujuh samudera, dan saya harus datang menemuimu.
I have to travel seven oceans, and I have to come and see you.
terus berlanjut melewati banyak generasi.
continues through many generations.
yang melewati gen,
that passes on the genome,
masing-masing melewati seorang pria yang membungkuk dan mengerang,
each of them passed a man who was bent over and moaning,
ketika kita melihat, ketika kita melewati seseorang yang adalah seorang tunawisma
when we see, when we're passing someone who's homeless
"Aah, ha, oh, baru saja melewati atas kepala saya,
"Aah, ha, oh, he just crossed over the top of my head about,
Terdengar seperti perjalan melewati
Sounds very much like the journey through
untuk melewati enam minggu operasi
to get me through six weeks of surgery
Asteroid itu tepat melewati orbit bumi. Kita ada di sana enam jam sebelumnya,
It passed directly through Earth's orbit. We were in that that spot six hours earlier.
Seperti pengendali lalu lintas bandara, ketika mereka melewati kami
And like airport traffic control, as they start to go past us
ketika mereka melewati toko aneh berukuran 5.5 meter ini, betul tidak?
when they walk through those 18 feet of this bizarre store, right?
"Kapanpun anda siap, kita sudah melewati anda."
"Whenever You Are, We're Already Then." (Laughter)
mereka melewati perantara, mereka melewati agensi mereka
They cut out the middleman, they cut out their agencies
dimana semua teknologi yang penting melewati 4 tahap dalam hidupnya--
that all important technologies go through four stages in their life --
dimana adalah teknologi yang sudah melewati semua ini.
which is a technology which has done all of these.
Kita membiarkan mereka terbang melewati garis ini,
You allow them to steer towards the little stripe,
yang berjalan melewati meja dimana saya berada,
who walked past the table I was sitting at,
Makanan itu seakan hanya melewati tubuh kami.
The food passes through our bodies.
dan loncat melewati samudra ke Prancis.
and then hop across the pond to France.
namun Anda harus menemukan cara untuk melampaui, melewati, atau menembusnya.
but you've got to find a way to get over it, around it, or through it.
Saya hanya akan mengatakan dengan singkat -- saya telah melewati batas waktu saya --
And I just want to mention briefly in passing -- I'm past my time limit --
atau menemukan jalan untuk melampaui, melewati, atau menembus semua halangan
or find a way to get over, around, or through any wall
Kita sudah melewati satu abad pengembangan aplikasi yang sangat canggih.
We have had a century of very nice, smart application developers.
adalah anak kecil ini akan melewati lima hipotesis
is that this little boy will go through five hypotheses
mereka untuk melewati rintangan-rintangan kecil dalam usaha mereka.
they can step over the small cracks in the way.
Kita sedang mencoba untuk melewati sebuah jurang di sini
We're trying to cross the chasm here
Negara A telah melewati Negara B
Country A has surpassed Country B
dengan judul, "India akan melewati Cina dalam bidang Textil."
with the title, "India Poised to Overtake China in Textile."
Saya bilang tidak, India tidak akan melewati Cina untuk sementara.
I say no, it won't overtake China for a while.
Perempuan itu yang mempunyai anak itu berjalan melewati dia melalui lapangan
The woman who as a child had skipped with him through fields
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