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ContohAnda bisa melihat di sebelah kanan, saat ada peternakan udang. you see on the right, where there used to be prawns.
Anda melihat di seluruh You're looking at the entire
Anda akan melihat di awal slide -- hanya ada empat foto -- you'll see them at the start of the slide show -- there's only about four images --
Jika Anda melihat di luar Afrika, And if you look outside Africa,
Namun jika Anda melihat di Afrika But if you look in Africa,
Anda ingin melihat di mana gen-gen yang diaktifkan itu. you want to see where those genes are turned on.
Anda mungkin melihat di dalam berita Now you may have seen in the news recently,
Anda dapat melihat di bawah mobil ini, ada balok merah di tanah You can just see, underneath the car, there is a black rod on the floor
Namun apabila kita melihat di dalam masyarakat kita But if we look within our societies,
Anda bisa melihat di panel atas, kromosomnya hancur begitu saja. You can see in the top panel, its chromosome just gets blown apart.
Anda dapat melihat di sebelah tas And you can see on the top
Jabbar: Dana, aku tak bisa melihat di mana untuk berpegangan. Jabbar: Dana, I can't see where to grab hold.
Bila Anda melihat di sini, Linux-bagian merah, mencapai 20 persen. If you look here, here's Linux in red, and it's hit 20 percent.
anda bisa melihat di angka 20%, hal itu mulai dianggap serius. you can see that at the 20 percent, it's now taken seriously.
dan saya melihat di wajahnya and I saw in her face
Anda akan melihat di batu kapur itu, ada cangkang-cangkang kecil you'll see, in that limestone, there are little shells
Kalian dapat melihat di sini You can see that this one
anda dapat melihat di mana mereka, kalian lihat mereka ada di seluruh dunia. so you can get a sense of where they are; you see they're all over the world.
Mungkin Anda tidak dapat melihat di sini, As you probably can't see the detail here,
dan kita mulai melihat di mana koneksi terjadi, and we started to see where the connections occurred,
tentu saja saya mulai melihat di Australia, I started looking at stuff in Australia,
Dan Anda bisa melihat di sini, dia bekerja dengan dokumen, And you can see, he's working between documents
Lalu jika anda melihat di sekitar kamar mandi, Then if you look around you in the bathroom,
dan saya melihat di rumah sakit itu, bagaimana para dokter merawat and I saw the hospital, how they [were] treating the doctors,
Kita harus melihat di malam hari, bukan? We'd have to see at night, right?
kita juga bisa melihat di mana kita sedang duduk, we can look at where we're sitting,
dalam peternakan lebah, dan Anda dapat melihat di sebelah kanan in beekeeping, and you can see, at the top right,
daerah dengan tingkat malaria rendah, Anda bisa melihat di daerah itu the areas with low levels of malaria, you can see in those areas,
sehingga kini dengan melihat di bawah mikroskop so that now by looking under the microscope
Sensor dapat digunakan untuk melihat di tempat gelap, The sensors that are used can see through the dark,
mencoba melihat di mana saya berada sebelumnya, trying to see who I was then,
karena Anda bisa melihat di mana dia turun pada tahun pertama because you can notice where he dips in the first years
Jika Anda melihat di situs Amazon, ada lebih dari 2.000 judul If you look on the Amazon site, there are over 2,000 titles
dan melihat di mana kebahagiaan terbentuk and see where does happiness
Saya ingin Anda melihat di sini. I want you to look right here.
Perbesar untuk melihat di mana foto ini diambil. Zoom into it and see where it was taken.
Lihat. Bahkan ketika kita melihat di Afrika. Look -- even if we look in Africa --
dia melihat di tengah hujan, and he saw in the rain,
Anda dapat melihat di sini perbedaan yang sangat besar And you can see here the huge divergence
Dan saya melihat di matanya And I saw in her eyes
dan anda dapat melihat di sini ketika saya berada di sebelahnya. and you can see me here next to him.
Yang kami temukan adalah kalau kita melihat di tempat yang tepat, And what we've found is that if you look in the right place,
Anda dapat melihat di lantai bawah dari perpustakaan ini So you can see here in the lower level of the library
Kita melihat di dalam media, saat kita melihat berita-berita dari Irak, We look around the media, as we see on the news from Iraq,
Dan bila anda melihat di sisi utara, terdapat sungai besar yang mengalir menuju danau And if you look north here, there's a big river that flows into the lake
sementara, jika Anda melihat di Google Earth, Whereas if you look in Google Earth,
Tapi di sini, Anda melihat di seluruh dunia But here you can see around the world
Anda dapat melihat di Jepang sedang sibuk malam ini, You can see that Japan is busy at night,
Anda bisa melihat di video ini polisi menyapu. Anda bisa melihat polisi-polisi menyapu di sini. I think you see, you see them sweeping. You see them sweeping right here.
Anda dapat melihat di perbatasan gurun-gurun itu and what you can see is that the boundaries of those deserts