Indonesian to English
meliput cover
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meliputienvelop, cover
meliputi area luasat a wider area of
meliputi banyak halwide-ranging
meliputi dengan esice up
meliputi periodecovering the period
meliputi seluruh duniaworld-wide
meliputi yang berikutinclude the following

Related Word(s)

cover, covered, covering, report, reporting, unrolling, works


saya telah meliput serangkaian kegagalan.
I have covered a series of failures.
Selama 30 tahun, saya telah meliput reformasi sekolah
For 30 years, I've been covering school reform
di mana orang-orang meliput berita
in the form of people covering in the news
"Koran Sun Times mengirim saya meliput Festival FIlm Cannes
"The Sun Times sent me to the Cannes Film Festival
dan meliput untuk saluran televisi mereka sendiri,
and reporting to their own channel,
Saya meliput masa hidup saya disini, anda tahu?
I cover my lifetime here, you know?
menerbitkan edisi spesial yang meliput hiperteks.
had special issues covering hypertext.
meliput hal ini dan semua kisah lain di luar wilayah ini,
is covering this and all other stories out of the region,
Saya di sana untuk meliput perayaan 25 tahun
I was there covering the 25th anniversary
Jadi saya sedang meliput acara tersebut.
So I was filming.
Saya sedang meliput tentang perang di Afghanistan,
I was covering the war in Afghanistan,
saya meliput perang lain -- perang di Iraq.
I covered another war -- the war in Iraq.
karena saya meliput perang tersebut
because I was covering the war
Kami akan meliput berita tersebut.
We are unrolling the news.
untuk meliput apa yang terjadi di Tahrir Square.
to report what happened in Tahrir Square.
ketika seseorang meliput kisah mereka --
when someone is reporting their story --
Kami telah meliput banyak peperangan.
We have covered many wars.
Kami telah meliput banyak tragedi, masalah,
We have covered a lot of tragedies, a lot of problems,
karena Anda harus meliput sebuat insiden yang besar.
because you have to cover a great incident.
kami hanya meliput di Washington D.C. pada saat ini
we are not covering but Washington D.C. at this moment in time
karena media internasional telah gagal meliput
that the international media had failed to cover
jika mereka mulai meliput
if they started covering
Proyek ini meliput kurikulum Matematika untuk anak-anak TK sampai siswa-siswi SMA,
and this project deals with K-12 math education,
Lalu saya pergi untuk meliput
So I went out reporting
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