Indonesian to English
membusuk rot, decay, putrefy
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by Xamux Translate


  1. memburuk
  2. mereput
membusukkancause to rot, slander, denigrate, defame
membusuknya kayudry rot

Related Word(s)

decay, decayed, decaying, decompose, decomposed, decomposes, decomposing, festers, putrefaction, putrefy, putrefying, rot, rots, rotted, rotten, rotting


dan membusuk,
and then it rots,
menggambarkan kebenaran abadi yang cenderung membusuk.
portray the timeless truth that order tends to decay.
seperti hippi, dengan kaki yang berdarah dan anjing yang membusuk di pundaknya,
like some kind of hippie, with a bleeding leg and a rotten dog on his shoulder,
membusuk sementara mereka berjalan di koridor SMA
they go away in high school hallways
Jamur tidak suka membusuk karena bakteria,
Fungi don't like to rot from bacteria,
Setelah mereka bersporulasi, mereka membusuk.
After they sporulate, they do rot.
yang muncul di jamur yang membusuk
that occur on rotting mushrooms
kita akan dapat melihat atom menciut, netron membusuk
we would see atoms shrinking, neutrons decaying
untuk mengunyah tulang hewan mati yang membusuk.
to chomp on the bones of rotting dead animals.
berisi sisa apel yang sudah membusuk,
with rotting apple cores
bahwa suatu hari nanti kita akan mati dan membusuk.
that someday I will die and decay.
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