Indonesian to English
memperdebatkan controvert
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Related Word(s)

against, argue, concerning, contend, debate, debated, debating, dispute, disputes, question, wrangle


Anda mungkin memperdebatkan kewarasannya, namun pengaruhnya nyata. (Tertawa)
You might argue about the sanity of it, but the leverage is real. (Laughter)
Kini ketimbang memperdebatkan angka ini,
Now rather than just argue about this number,
Semua orang -- maksud saya, kita memperdebatkan tentang apa itu Keadilan ---
Everybody -- I mean, we debate over what's fair --
Sehingga hal yang paling penting adalah membuat orang-orang memperdebatkan model mereka.
So the most important thing is to get people to articulate their models.
memperdebatkan kesamaan anatomi lebih penting daripada perbedaan anatomi
appealing to a commonality of anatomy over a difference of anatomy,
saat kita memperdebatkan
when it comes to arguing about
tanpa memperdebatkan
without first arguing
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