memperingati | commemorate, celebrate, note down |
memperingati | |||
memperingati dengan upacara | solemnize |
celebrate, celebration, commemorate, commemorates, commemorating, held, observe, observed, reading, warn |
Contohuntuk memperingati tunawisma keseratus to commemorate the hundreds of homeless people
Saya sedang berada di sebuah konser yang dihadirinya untuk memperingati ulang tahunnya I was at a concert that he was attending to mark his birthday
museum anak-anak tersebut memperingati nyawa-nyawa yang hilang and the Children's Museum is commemorating the lives that were lost
untuk memperingati keanekaragaman kita. to celebrate our diversity,
dunia akan memperingati Tahun International Astronomi, the world is going to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy,
Untuk memperingati In tribute and remembrance
memperingati kembalinya tabung ini. launching the return.