Indonesian to English
memperpendek cut short
please wait
by Xamux Translate
memperpendek layarreef a sail
memperpendek usiadrive a nail into coffin

Related Word(s)

cut, shorten, shortening, shortens


Memperpendek umurnya,
It shortens their lifespan,
dan benar - benar memperpendek panjang waktu dalam satu hari.
and literally shortened the length of the day.
Kita dapat memperpendek kolomnya,
I said we can shorten the column,
akan memperpendek hidup kita.
was going to shorten our lives.
Proses ini memperpendek hidup orang yang tinggal di daerah Teluk.
It shortens the lives of the people who live there in the Gulf.
yang menyebarkan kanker di tempat semacam "lorong kanker" dan memperpendek umur
that's giving people cancer in places like "Cancer Alley" and shortening lives
untuk memperpendek
struggling to get on top of.
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