Indonesian to English
memuji praise, commend
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memuji . terus menerussing praises
memuji berlebihanadulate
memuji dengan berlebihanspread it on thick
memuji diri sendiri -blew own trumpet
memuji orang laincredit others
memuji-mujibuttered up

Related Word(s)

applauded, applauds, belongs, bless, blessed, boast, chase, commend, commended, commending, commends, compliment, complimenting, earth, eulogize, extol, extolled, extols, food, glorifying, heavens, his, intelligently, laud, lauded, lauds, praise, praised


Orang tua kita mengajarkan: Memuji yang benar, menegur yang salah.
Our parents teach us that: praise with the good, scold with the bad.
Kata "iman" itu sendiri memiliki arti dasar mencintai, memuji, menyayangi.
The word "belief" itself originally meant to love, to prize, to hold dear.
saya akan mau memuji mereka,
I would want to praise them,
"Maukah kamu memuji saya begini?"
"Would you praise me this way?"
hanya dengan memuji,
of just utter adulation,
yang memuji kebersihan muka saya hari ini.
has complimented me on the cleanliness of my face today.
Tapi juga, tidak seorangpun yang telah memuji celana jins yang sedang saya pakai.
But then again, nobody has complimented me on the jeans I'm wearing.
saya tidak bisa memuji
I can't extol to you
Sebagian orang mengkritik saya, sebagian lain memuji saya
Some people criticized, others praised me
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