Indonesian to English
mencekik strangle, choke
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mencekikirepeatedly smother, choke

Related Word(s)

choke, clutched, smother, smothered, stifling, strangle, strangled, strangles, strangling, suffocating, throat, throttle, wring


Ini adalah pembunuhan-pembunuhan yang sangat intim -- dia mencekik korban-korbannya.
These were very intimate murders -- he strangled his victims.
mencekik pohon itu hingga mati perlahan-lahan
slowly strangling the tree to death
saya benar-benar ingin mencekik mereka.
and I want to throttle them.
udara di ruangan ini akan berkumpul di salah satu sudut ruangan dan mencekik kita.
the air in this room all gathering over one part of the room and suffocating us.
dan mencekik saya begitu erat sampai saya tidak dapat bernafas atau berteriak
and to squeeze so tightly that I could not breathe or scream,
dan sambil mencekik saya
and he used the chokehold
yang mencekik negara,
which was strangling the country,
akan mencekik pertumbuhan ekonomi
is going to stifle economic growth
dan mencekik leher mereka?
and wring their necks?
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