mendahului | try to surpass, pass by |
mendahului | |||
mendahului yang lain | getting the start of |
advance, ahead, antedate, anticipate, away, beat, before, brotherly, family, foremost, forestall, forward, hasten, mpt, outpace, outrun, outstrip, outstripped, overtake, passed, precede, preceded, precedes, preceding, precursory, predated, predates, prior |
Contohmendahului semua teknologi ini. predated all this technology.
dan seringkali mendahului produsennya. and they're often ahead of the producers.
mendahului kecepatan kita belajar overtakes the pace of learning,
Kami mendahului mereka. We got there first.
Karena warga negara mereka sendiri telah mendahului mereka. because their own citizens beat them to the punch.
Mereka biasanya ingin mendahului, jadi seringnya It just wants to get past you, so it's often
untungnya: IBM [Blue Gene] baru saja mendahului Earth Simulator NEC. sigh of relief: IBM [Blue Gene] has just edged ahead of the NEC Earth Simulator.
di jalur untuk mendahului, in the passing lane,