Indonesian to English
menelpon gave one a buzz
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by Xamux Translate
menelpon kembalirung back

Related Word(s)

call, called, calling, calls, phone, phoned, telephone


Suatu hari, pemimpin perusahaan menelpon
One day, the head of the company called
saya menelpon humas perusahaan tersebut.
I called the head of P.R. for the company.
“Ya, mereka menelpon dan mereka bilang mereka tidak menyukainya”.
"Yes, they called, and they said they didn't like it."
dalam jangka waktu paling sedikit tiga bulan, pejabat berwenang tersebut akan menelpon anda,
within three months the elected official will start calling you
Jika mereka mengikuti prosedur, mereka akan menelpon kantor wilayah dan bertanya “apa anda punya aslinya”
If they follow protocol, they'll pick up the phone and say, "Hey, do you have the original?"
telemarketer yang menelpon Anda waktu makan malam,
the telemarketer calling you during dinner,
Saya bilang,”Dia akan bahagia, dia akan menelpon ke telepon seluler anda.”
I said, "She'll be happy. She'll ring you up on the mobile."
mereka membuat selebaran, menelpon kantor-kantor,
They produced flyers. They called offices.
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