Indonesian to English
menerkam pounce on.
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Related Word(s)

bite, chases, hardly, israel, lunge, overpowered, pieces, pounce, pounced, pounces, pouncing, ravenous, tear, torn, upon


Anjing laut tutul ini menerkam kepala penguin,
And this seal is taking this penguin by the head,
lalu pergi dan menerkam penguin lain.
and then it goes off and gets another one.
Saya kira dia akan menerkam.
And I thought, she's about to bite.
aku masuk dan dia menerkam
he was mad
atau menggosok dengan menerkam seperti
or rub with pounce as
atau minuman menerkam rakus sangat
or drink ravenous voracious very
bertemu dengan dia lalu menerkam
found him and killed
burung elang menerkam pada ayam
hawk pounces upon a chicken
dengan dia lalu menerkam dia
him and killed him
dengan menerkam seperti untuk menerkam
with pounce as to pounce
hotel kami menerkam pengawal fischer
hotel fischer keeps attacking us
itu telah menerkam mereka bahkan
had overpowered them and had
liar yang menunjukkan kekejaman menerkam
wild indicating cruelty ravenous
makanan atau minuman menerkam rakus
food or drink ravenous voracious
menelan menerkam rakus rakus serakah
swallow ravenous gluttonous edacious rapacious
menerkam rakus rakus serakah seperti
ravenous gluttonous edacious rapacious as
menerkam rakus sangat lapar diikuti
ravenous voracious very hungry followed
menerkam rakus seperti tampak buas
ravenous rapacious as ferocious look
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