Indonesian to English
mengejek mock, ridicule, deride
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by Xamux Translate

Related Word(s)

appoint, ask, believers, calls, deny, deride, derided, derides, derision, derisive, derisively, further, jeer, jeering, jest, laugh, laughing, mock, mocked, mockery, mocking, mockingly, resurrection, revelation, ridicule, ridiculed, ridiculing, say, scoff


Di Twitter, kami memulai rangkaian hestek yang mengejek riset tersebut,
We started a hashtag on Twitter mocking the study,
mengejek para penindas.
to mock your oppressor.
Rosalind Franklin, datang dan sedikit mengejek model yang kami buat.
Rosalind Franklin, came up and sort of laughed at our model.
? Mungkin mengejek mereka dalam sebuah lagu? ?
? Maybe mocking 'em in a song ?
Tidakkah kau lihat mudahnya mengejek seseorang menuju peti mati,
Can you see how easy it is to talk people into coffins,
Saya tidak bermaksud mengejek
Now I don't mean to mock,
jangan mengejek Tuhan.
do not mock the gods,
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