Indonesian to English
menghampiri approach
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  1. merapati
  2. mendampili
  3. mendampingi
  4. mendatangi
  5. mendekati
  6. menyamperi


  1. menjauhi

Related Word(s)

approach, approached, approaches, approaching, come, go, goes, over, pressing, pulling, run, running, seizing, toward, went


dan saya menghampiri RS Madina,
and I went to visit Madina Hospital,
Orang-orang menghampiri kami dan bertanya,
So people would come to us and ask us,
Orang-orang menghampiri saya setelah konferensi, setelah saya bicara,
And people would come up to me after the conference, after my talk,
bahkan menghampiri nona Smith waktu pulang
even approached Miss Smith as she was leaving the room
dan salah seorang tetangga berlari menghampiri saya.
and one of my neighbors came running over.
berlari menghampiri saya.
came running to meet me.
Jika pemasar Coke menghampiri saya
So if Coke's marketers came to me
dan menghampiri orang yang tidak pandai berbicara,
and you walk up to the one that can't speak very well,
semua orang berlari menghampiri untuk menandatangani gips anda,
everyone runs over to sign your cast,
dan mereka akan menghampiri dan mencaci Anda,
and they will come and scorn you,
dan anda hampir menghampiri mereka.
and you're about to approach them.
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