mengolok-olok | give the raspberry |
mengolok-olok | |||
mengolok-olok; mentertawakan | gave the raspberry |
mengolok-olokkan | mock, deride |
ContohSaat ungkapan itu dimunculkan, sifatnya mengolok-olok -- When that expression was coined, it was derisive --
untuk mengolok-olok pemerintah, to mock the authorities,
Kami dulu suka mengolok-olok teori pergerakan benua. Kami menertawakannya. We used to ridicule continental drift. It was something we laughed at.
dan berarti mengolok-olok orang lain. and it meant to swindle or ridicule or to make fun of someone.
Orang-orang mengolok-olok gagasan tersebut. People were making fun of the idea.