mengurus | arrange matters, take care of manage |
mengurus | |||
mengurus perbelanjaan | held the purse-strings |
mengurus sekolah | keep school |
mengurus/memerintah | govern |
mengurusi | take care of |
menguruskan | manage, take care of, handle for |
acquiring, administer, administered, administers, affairs, arrange, arrangement, arranges, arranging, attend, care, caring, certificate, charge, consecrate, directs, disposeth, distribute, during, education, fed, generate, going, hardship, knows, ktp, make |
ContohSebagai bagian pekerjaanku, aku banyak mengurus tumbuhan di rumah kaca As part of my job, I spend a lot of time in the greenhouse growing plants,
Kami harus mengurus semuanya. We had to look at everything.
Kamu benar-benar diajarkan sesuatu seperti bagaimana mengurus dunia. You're actually getting taught something like how to take care of the world.
mengadakan dialog untuk mengurus hal-hal serta interaksi semacamnya? to allow dialogue to deal with these things and interaction?
Dalam pengertian, jika kita mengurus orang lain, That is to say, if we attend to the other person,
dan tak ada yang mengurus tumbuhan. and no one is taking care of plants.
tentang berkontribusi dan mengurus lingkungan dengan baik. about giving back and being a good steward to the environment.
Sumbangan 30 juta dolar cukup untuk mengurus 30 million dollars in an endowment would take care
"Saya ingin sekali kamu berterima kasih pada saya untuk semua yang saya lakukan mengurus rumah dan anak-anak." "I'd really like you to thank me for all these things I did in the house and with the kids."
adalah kenyataan, bahwa, ia sedang mengurus orang lain was the fact that she was taking care of people
Anda juga harus mempekerjakan orang untuk mengurus pekerja yang ada you also have to hire other employees to manage those employees
Mereka terlalu sibuk mengurus keluarga dan negara. They were too busy building a family and a country.
dan mengurus hal-hal -- seperti gaya Netflix -- and cater things, sort of like Netflix-style,
Itu adalah saudara saya. Dia mengurus foto-foto, That's my sister. She took care of pictures,
di sisi lain yang akan mengurus semuanya itu. on the other side that's going to take it all away.
kami mengurus sekitar 1 juta pon we handle about one million pounds
Dia mengurus 20 kambing di pagi hari, She looks after 20 goats in the morning,
mengurus keluarganya and taking care of his family