Indonesian to English
mengusap see "usap"
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  1. menghapus
  2. menyapu
  3. menyeka
  4. membelai
  5. mengelus
  6. melumas
  7. memoles
  8. memulas
  9. membarut
  10. menggosok
  11. mengurut
mengusapicaress, stroke
mengusapkanwipe with s.t.

Related Word(s)

began, carefully, ran, rubs, set, wiping


Kemudian dia mengusap lembarannya,
Then he'd run his hand over the rag paper,
mereka mengusap wajahnya
they wipe their face.
mereka mengusap bagian bawah wajahnya
they wipe the bottom of their face.
lalu mengusap wajahnya, dan kami kira dia selalu berusaha mendinginkan badannya,
and wipes its face, and all the time it's trying to cool itself down,
frotes salah satu yang mengusap
frotes one who rubs
kata teabing sambil mengusap usap
teabing said stroking
lalu mengusap mulutnya dengan selembar
dabbing his mouth with a
mengusap hidung anda seperti itu
rubbing your nose like that
salah satu yang mengusap atau
one who rubs or
sang senator tersenyum lalu mengusap
the senator smiled dabbing
seperti mengusap batu tulis bersih
like wiping the slate clean
teabing mengusap alisnya dan melanjutkan
carefully teabing urged
tersenyum lalu mengusap mulutnya dengan
smiled dabbing his mouth with
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