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menonton watch
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menontoni1 visit the family of o.'s future in-laws (to obtain information). 2 meet e.o. for mutual inspection (of future bridal pairs in arranged marriages).
menontonkan1 show (off), exhibit. 2 play, perform.

Related Word(s)

catch, paying, saw, see, seeing, seen, track, video, viewing, watch, watched, watches, watching


di mana orang-orang menonton video
where we had people watch a video
Dua anak ini menonton video-video di TEDTalk.
Two children watch a TEDTalk.
Setelah menonton 8 video TEDTalks,
After watching eight TEDTalks,
hingga televisi pun mereka matikan dan berhenti menonton.
and so they turn off the television and don't watch.
Banyak sekali yang menonton video tersebut.
And so many people, I guess, watch those videos.
Mahasiswa menonton video
Students watched the videos
dan pada akhirnya, sekitar setengah dari 160.000 peserta tadi telah menonton
and in the end, about half of the 160,000 students watched
Sebenarnya, Sainbury, jika Anda menonton,
In fact, Sainsbury's, if you're watching,
Lalu dia mengajak saya menonton film
Then she took me to see a film
Ketika kita menonton pornografi,
When we watch pornography,
Saya pikir kita semua termasuk jenis yang berdiri dan menonton.
I think we all kind of stand and watch.
Hal yang aneh adalah ketika saya menonton film ini --
And the strange thing is, when I watch the film --
Suatu hari, saya sedang berbaring di tempat tidur sambil menonton CNN
One day, I was lying in bed watching CNN,
yang mungkin menonton seminar ini di dunia maya,
who might be watching this talk over the Internet,
saya sedang menonton TV di Paris,
I was watching TV in Paris,
Semua yang menonton.
Everyone watching.
Kita semua di sini, dan semuanya yang menonton
We're all here, and all of those who watch it
Anda benar-benar harus menonton film terbarunya,
You really do have to go and see his latest film,
Saya ingin kalian menonton video singkat
I want you to watch a short video
untuk duduk di sana dan menonton saya mengetik.
to sit here watching me typing.
oleh orang-orang yang menonton video web.
by people watching web video.
sebagian dari mereka pasti sedang menonton secara online saat ini, terima kasih! --
some of them watching online right now, and thank you! --
Mengapa orang-orang suka menonton TEDTalks?
Why do people like watching TEDTalks?
Jika Anda menonton siaran televisi Amerika Serikat tahun 70an,
If you watched a television broadcast in the United States in the 1970s,
Untuk Anda yang telah menonton "An Inconvenient Truth,"
For those of you who saw "An Inconvenient Truth,"
Orang-orang di belakang atau orang-orang yang menonton melalui video di masa datang
People in the back or people on video years from now watching this
Jadi semua orang yang duduk dan menonton TV,
So anyone sitting in and watching TV,
oleh beberapa pria setelah menonton film itu --
by some guys having watched the film --
menonton TEDTalks secara online,
watches TEDTalks online,
tapi apabila dia menonton, saya punya berita untuk anda Benedict.
but if you do, I've got news for you Benedict --
dan semua yang menonton ini di dunia maya,
and everyone who's watching this out there on the web,
bermain dan menonton sepak bola, dan bermain bridge ...
and he played football and watched football, and played bridge --
Dan juga mereka mulai mengikuti dan menonton
And so they started following and watching
? Mereka bilang kita muda, tidak menonton TV ?
? They say we're young, don't watch TV ?
dan hasil dari menonton --
and the video result --
Jadi saat anak-anak lain menonton komedi situasi dan kartun,
So while other kids were watching sitcoms and cartoons,
saya menonton film dokumentasi penuh makna
I was watching very esoteric documentaries
Chee Pearlman, yang saya harap menonton hari ini.
Chee Pearlman, who hopefully is in the audience somewhere today.
Saya tumbuh dewasa menonton Star Trek. Saya suka sekali film Star Trek.
I grew up watching Star Trek. I love Star Trek.
Saya suka menonton Nova di PBS.
I would watch Nova on PBS.
Anak: Saat saya menonton TV,
Child: When I watch TV,
saat menonton putri saya berolahraga.
during my daughter's sports day.
dan saya menonton video Youtube secara profesional.
and I professionally watch YouTube videos.
Bahkan kucing pun menonton video ini.
Even cats were watching this video.
Kucing menonton kucing lain yang sedang menonton video ini.
Cats were watching other cats watch this video.
Dan kalau kalian menonton Sanjay special,
And if you did see the Sanjay special,
ketika orang menonton trik sulap.
when people watch magic tricks.
saya tidak memiliki uang untuk menonton film, tapi saya menemukan di --
I didn't have money to go to a movie. But I found that on the --
Dan saya pikir, ya, karena saya tidak dapat pergi menonton film,
And I thought, well, since I can't go to the movies,
adalah menonton televisi, yang satunya adalah di dalam kamar mandi, duduk.
is watching television; the next one is being in the bathroom, sitting.
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