menurun | |||
menurun sampai | get down to |
menurun/jatuh | down |
menuruni | 1 go down along s.t. 2 go down to, descend to. |
menurunkan | reduce, lower |
menurunkan bendera | strike the flag |
menurunkan bendera tanda menye | stricken flag |
menurunkan bendera tanda menyerah | strike flag |
menurunkan berat | lose weight |
menurunkan dari tahta | dethrone |
menurunkan dr.tahta | dethroned |
menurunkan gaji | downgrade |
menurunkan harga | cutting under |
menurunkan pangkat | degrade |
menurunkan pelatuk | uncock |
menurunkan wibawa | put in his place |
menurunkanpelatuk | uncocked |
classroom, decline, declined, declines, declining, decrease, decreased, decreases, decreasing, descend, descending, descent, diminished, diminishing, dip, down, downhill, downstairs, downward, downwards, drop, dropped, dropping, drops, eased, evident, fall |
Contohjumlah guru sekolah dasar menurun the number of elementary school classroom teachers
Menurun dari 14 persen We went from 14 percent
karena angka tersebut secara stabil telah menurun because the figure has been steadily coming down
Dan ketika produktivitas di dalam es menurun, And when you have low productivity in this, in ice,
produktivitas dari copepoda juga menurun. the productivity in copepods go down.
Dan biaya itu tidak akan menurun and they're not going down
Dan jika tekanan kabin menurun And then if the cabin depressurizes
Itu menurun manjadi 12 sampai 15 persen saja. That's down to about 12 to 15 percent.
menurun sekitar satu persen. goes down by maybe one percent.
menurun 90 persen declined by 90 percent,
Namun suhunya benar-benar menurun. But it clearly cools down.
pembunuhan menurun 60 persen. the murder rate fell 60 percent.
bahwa kemampuan belajar bahasa dapat menurun that the learning of language material may slow down
liberal lebih sedikit peduli dibanding konservatif, garis menurun. liberals care about it a little more than conservatives -- the line slopes down.
kinerja mereka menurun. their performance suffered.
angka kematiannya terus menurun. the mortality is going down, down, down, down, down.
bahwa tren menurun that a sweeping downward course
semuanya menurun seiring berjalannya usia. all decrease with age.
menurun fungsinya are degraded such
perkiraannya kecepatan menurun dengan bertambahnya jarak we would expect that it goes down as the distance increases
membuat -- tarikan gravitasi di antara mereka -- menurun, makes it, the gravitational attraction between them decrease,
Berat badan saya perlahan-lahan menurun, I was slowly losing weight,
Dan penyakit ini menurun menjadi beberapa kasus and it's got it down to these few cases
panasnya akan menurun. the heat falls off.
Perannya sudah menurun, It's been declining
dan saya yakin akan terus menurun. and I believe it will continue to decline.
dan mulai menurun. and is declining.
Apakah jumlahnya menurun menjadi 1 miliar? Do you think it will decrease to one billion?
tingkat kelahiran mulai menurun. Dan India sedang mengalaminya. fertility rates start dropping. And India is experiencing that.
saat sudah dicaraikan istri saya, kesehatan saya menurun, when my wife has divorced me, my health is failing,
maka Anda melihat harga menurun. you get what you see, declining prices.
oleh tikungan ke kanan saat jalanannya menurun sejauh 3 lantai. right-handed turn as the road drops three stories.
Sekitar tahun 1987, keduanya sedikit menurun. Starting about 1987 they're both going down a lot.
semuanya menurun 50 persen. are all down 50 percent.
dan menurun di usia tua. and decline into decrepitude.
sedang menurun dan menjadi rusak, is in a state of decline and decay,
dan populasi menurun sebesar 25 persen and the population had plummeted by 25 percent
Jadi, ketika penjualan mulai menurun, So if sales start to drop,
Tahun 2009, angkanya menurun menjadi 1.600 kasus. In 2009, we're down to 1,600 cases.
terus menurun dan menjadi semakin gelap. was fast collapsing into darkness.
telah menurun dengan sangat cepat. has been undergoing a really extremely fast decline.
sehingga kekebalan tubuhnya mungkin menurun. whose immune systems were probably compromised.
di mana tingkat kematian akibat malaria menurun hingga 75 persen. that have their death rates cut by 75 percent.
dan menghancurkan jiwa telah menurun soul-crushing extreme poverty has declined
jadi agak menurun has been sort of minimized
dan sekarang, menurun hingga dibawah 400,000 orang. and now is under 400,000.
Dan hasilnya, angka kematianpun menurun. And so that's why the death rate did come down.
telah menurun saat ini is clearly lower today
telah menurun sebanyak 70 persen, had gone down to 70 percent,
Penerimaan menurun, Receipts go down,