menyangkut | |||
menyangkut aspek apa | to what aspects of |
menyangkut bidang jasa | service-related |
menyangkut cacat dalam | against defects in |
menyangkut karir | on career |
menyangkut orang desa | bucolic |
menyangkut segi komersil atau keuangan mereka | in their commercial or financial relations |
menyangkut status | about status of |
menyangkut tanah bangsawan | manorial |
menyangkutkan | hang, hook, involve |
menyangkutpautkan | involve, relate to |
about, also, amid, change, concern, concerned, concerning, concerns, contain, control, covered, encompassing, everything, fisheries, gave, hooked, implicates, include, involved, involves, involving, issues, makes, on, over, pertaining, regarding, status |
ContohDoaku kini menyangkut di tenggorokan. My prayers are now getting stuck in my throat.
Ini menyangkut Anda juga. It does concern you, as well.
karena, bagaimanapun juga, semuanya menyangkut hal ini -- because, after all, that's really what this is about --
Pecahan-pecahan tersebut menyangkut seperti beling It lodged as shards
diskusi tentang beberapa hal menyangkut perubahan iklim yang terjadi di samudera. discussion of some of the climate change things that are going on in the ocean.
keputusan baik ketika ada konflik yang menyangkut quote-unquote good decisions when there is a conflict involving