merebut | arrogate |
merebut | |||
merebut kembali | retake |
merebut kemenangan | go in and win |
merebut kuasa | usurp |
merebut mahkota | discrown |
merebut untuk | jockeied for |
annexes, capture, captured, claimed, claiming, clinched, clinching, deprives, grab, grabbed, grasping, penetrate, pluck, plunder, sealed, seize, seized, seizes, seizing, snatch, snatching, strip, sweeping, take, taken, takes, took, up, usurp, usurped, win |
Contohdengan Argonaut dan merebut bulu emas. with the Argonauts and fetched the Golden Fleece.
Paula Radcliffe, orang yang hampir pasti akan merebut gelar juara Paula Radcliffe, the one person who is sure to snatch the big paycheck
sangat cepat merebut posisi G7, usurping very rapidly the position of the G7,
yang bisa merebut ekonomi raksasa dari segi skala. that could capture this gigantic economy of scale.
merebut perhatian media captured the attention of the media
Pada saat Kibaki merebut kekuasaannya -- And when Kibaki got into power --
yang telah merebut semuanya dari mereka. who had taken everything from them.