Indonesian to English
mereka punya of theirs
mereka punya
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Mereka punya bentuk yang berbeda; tersusun dari molekul yang berbeda;
They come in different shapes; they're made out of different molecules.
Bila kita dapat mengaktifkan sel, kita dapat melihat kekuatan yang mereka punya.
If we could activate cells, we could see what powers they can unleash,
Mereka punya senyum kecut di mulut mereka.
They've got that wryly smile on their mouth.
Mereka punya mata hitam menyeramkan
They've got those black sinister eyes
Mereka punya kerendahan hati epistemologis (berdasarkan pengetahuan)
They have epistemological modesty.
tetapi sesungguhnya mereka punya pikiran.
but they do have a mind.
dan mereka bisa mendirikan rumah, mereka punya cukup kayu bakar.
and they can build a house, they have some fuel wood to cook with.
mereka punya budaya yang demokratis
they have a democratic culture there,
Mereka punya kapasitas, terdorong
They had the capacity, they had a sense of being driven by
Anda seperti, "Yah, orang-orang Lego di Denmark, mereka punya semua perangkat lunak ini
and you're like, "Well, the Lego people in Denmark, they've got all this software
Mereka punya listrik,
They have electricity,
Bagaimana bila mereka punya kemampuan yang sama
What if they had some of the same capabilities
dan mereka punya sekuen DNA
and they have a DNA sequence
dengan pH di mana mereka punya muatan berbeda.
with the PH at which they have different charges.
Jawabannya saya kira adalah mereka menggunakan semua yang mereka punya.
The answer, I think, is that they used every tool in the toolbox.
kalau mereka punya penilaian teknologi?
if they really had technology assessment?
Jadi mereka punya perosotan, dan mereka bahkan punya tiang pemadam kebakaran.
So they have the slide, and they even have a fireman’s pole.
Saya tidak tahu apa yang mereka lakukan dengan itu, tapi mereka punya satu.
Don’t know what they do with that, but they have one.
dan mereka punya algoritma naskah --
and they have "story algorithms" --
Saat penjajah pertama datang ke Amerika, mereka punya dua pilihan:
When the conquistadors arrived in North America you had two choices:
Mereka punya taring, cakar, kegesitan, kecepatan.
they have fangs, they have claws, they have nimbleness, they have speed.
adalah menunjukkan mereka punya banyak waktu luang
to show they were men of leisure
Mereka punya 250 macam saus mustard dan cuka
They had 250 different kinds of mustards and vinegars
Mereka punya lebih dari 75 macam minyak zaitun,
They had over 75 different kinds of olive oil,
Mereka punya 384 macam selai yang berbeda.
They had 348 different kinds of jam.
mereka tidak punya apa pun, tapi mereka punya sebuah ide.
they didn't have anything, but they had an idea.
adalah mereka punya hipotesis yang jadi titik awal mulai mereka.
is they have a hypothesis that they think might be likely to start with.
Di samping itu, mereka punya kecakapan moral untuk menentukan arti "berbuat baik".
And beyond this, they have the moral skill to figure out what "doing right" means.
dan mereka punya tanggung jawab sebagai warga negara.
and they had responsibilities as citizens.
Mereka punya bendera. Punya penutup mata.
They've got their own flag. They've got the eye patches.
Mereka punya tingkah laku yang sama.
It's exactly the same behavior though.
mereka punya petunjuk dan orang-orang yang dicurigai,
and they have leads and they have suspects,
Mereka punya alatnya, mereka ingin --
they've got the tools; they want to --
tapi mereka punya standar kerja yg tinggi.
but they want to do it to very high standards.
mereka punya dua milyar orang.
they had two billion people.
Kita belajar bahwa kemungkinan besar mereka punya bahasa di alam liar sana.
We're learning that they probably have a language in the wild.
bagi banyak orang rumah itu adalah properti pertama yang mereka punya,
for many the first piece of property that they would ever know,
tetapi anda bisa mengapresiasi fakta bahwa mereka punya nyali untuk tampil ke depan.
but maybe you appreciate the fact that they've got a tough gig.
mereka punya sprinkler di langit-langit
and they have sprinklers in the ceiling
Mereka punya gaji yang bagus,
They had good salaries,
Karena dia menyadari jika mereka punya dua sumber karbohidrat,
because he realized that if you had two sources of carbohydrate,
Alan Kay: Mereka punya stopwatch.
Alan Kay: They've got little stopwatches.
Mereka punya 2,4 persen.
They have 2.4 percent.
Dan lalu mereka bangun Bendungan Aswan. Mereka punya listrik di rumah.
And then they got the Aswan Dam. They got electricity in their homes,
Mereka punya tingkat kematian balita yang tinggi, bahkan sangat tinggi
They had high, or very high, child mortality
Mereka punya tingkat kematian balita yang rendah
They had low child mortality
Mereka punya beberapa jebakan yang mereka pasang
They have a series of traps, of snares that they've set up
untuk memberi beliau foto apa saja yang mereka punya
to share with her any picture they may have
tapi apa yang mereka punya
but what they did have,
Mereka punya bos yang memaki mereka karena mencorat-coret di papan tulis kantor.
And they have bosses who scold them for doodling in the boardroom.
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