meretas | rip open, take apart. |
meretas | |||
meretas/ membuka | rang open |
Contohdan mereka meretas secara menyeluruh. and they hacked it thoroughly.
Kecuali mereka bisa jika mereka meretas ke dalam O.S. asing Except they can if they hack into a foreign C.A.
Kami meretas perangkat keras, We hack hardware,
Mereka meretas akun Twitter Fox News These guys hacked into Fox News' Twitter account
membawanya ke dunia retas-meretas. led him to hacking.
mereka belajar kemampuan meretas They are all people who learned their hacking skills
Ingat, ketika mereka mengembangkan teknik meretas ini, Remember that, when they developed those hacking skills,
karena meretas ke dalam Pentagon -- for hacking into the Pentagon --
dapat dimanifestasikan ke dalam dunia retas-meretas dan komputer can manifest themselves in the hacking and computing world