merobek | tear |
merobek | |||
disembowel, liquid, pluck, rend, rip, ripped, ripping, tear, tearing, tore, water |
ContohMereka merobek pintunya They ripped off the door
dan mereka memegangi lagi, dan merobek lagi. and they would grab hold and they would rip.
saya membenci saat-saat merobek dengan intensitas seperti ini. I hated that moment of ripping with incredible intensity.
Beberapa orang merobek lembaran mereka menjadi dua, Some people shredded half the sheet of paper,
Sebagian merobek seluruh kertas menjadi bagian-bagian kecil. Some people shredded the whole sheet of paper.
Kemudian mereka merobek lembar jawaban, tidak ada yang curang sama sekali. Then they shredded it. No cheating whatsoever.
Sepertiga yang lain, boleh merobek kertas mereka, A third of the people we passed it to, they shredded it,
Sepertiga lagi, ketika selesai merobek kertas mereka A third of the people, when they finished shredding the piece of paper,