meyakini | be convinced about |
meyakini | |||
acknowledged, aware, bears, belief, beliefs, believe, believed, believers, believes, certain, certainty, confident, conscious, conviction, convinced, faith, find, firm, imagine, imagined, knew, know, knowledge, known, looks, maintained, means, realize |
Contohsekitar 3500 warga negara yang meyakini hal yang sama and there were, like, 3,500 citizens who believed in that
yang luar biasa, yang meyakini hak-hak wanita di Saudi, who are amazing, who are believing in women's rights in Saudi Arabia,
Jadi, jika agama bukanlah meyakini, lalu apa agama itu? So if religion is not about believing things, what is it about?
Orang Yunani meyakini bahwa tangisan bersama akan menumbuhkan ikatan antar sesama. The Greeks believed that weeping together created a bond between people.
Kita meyakini bahwa akal adalah kemampuan yang tertinggi. We believe that reason is the highest of the faculties.
Anda harus memilih untuk meyakini sebuah harapan. You have to choose to believe in hope.
karena secara tidak sadar saya meyakini I think that I may have believed unconsciously,
Orang Amerika cenderung meyakini Americans tend to believe
sehingga mereka meyakini bahwa semua orang that they've come to believe that everyone
ke yang meyakini adanya peluang, potensi atau bahkan yang agak berbahaya to one of possibility -- or potency, to be even a little bit more dangerous --
kegemaran untuk meyakini the predilection to believe
Karena saya selalu meyakini kreativitas itu hasil kolaborasi. because I think always creativity has been highly collaborative,
ini karena Gandhi meyakini pedesaan It's because Gandhi believed in villages
dan pemuda-pemuda tersebut meyakini bahwa sunat mampu meningkatkan kehidupan seksual mereka. and the men also believe it improves their sex life.
namun, kita meyakini akan however, we believe in the security
meyakini bahwa saya telah mati." believes I'm dead."
"Kami meyakini kebenaran-kebenaran ini mutlak benar, bahwa semua manusia diciptakan setara." "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal."
yang saya katakan, jika Anda meyakini which, as I say, if you believe
dan saya meyakini kalau kita tidak lawan kejahatan daring ini, and I do feel that if we don't fight online crime,
tapi Anda tahu, saya meyakini hal yang salah. But you know, I was believing in the wrong thing.
Karena saya tidak meyakini diri saya sendiri -- Because I wasn't believing in me,
Dan tahukah Anda, ketika Anda sungguh meyakini diri sendiri dan semua tentang Anda, And you know what, when you really believe in yourself and everything about you,
Entah kita secara aktif meyakini mereka Whether we actively believe them
orang lain dapat memiliki kesalahan dalam meyakini sesuatu that other people can have false beliefs
Namun kami meyakini, But what we believe,