Indonesian to English
migran migrant.
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traveler who moves from one region or country to another
wisatawan yang bergerak dari satu wilayah atau negara ke negara lain
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

migrant, migrants, migrate, migration, migratory, these


Kamudian, dia menikahi seorang teman pekerja migran,
Later, she married a fellow migrant worker,
atau mungkin ke pusat tutor migran di daerah Anda.
or maybe just drop into your local refugee tutoring center.
termasuk migran dari Selatan ke AS.
including of migrants that go from the south to the U.S.
membawa saya pergi dan melihat kamp-kamp pekerja migran
took me to go and see the migrant worker camps.
Dari 200 juta pekerja migran,
Among the 200 million migrant workers,
terhadap para pekerja migran ini.
of these migrant workers.
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