mil | mile. |
mil | |||
mil darat | statute mile |
mil laut | sea mile |
mil per jam | miles per hour |
mil-kwadrat | square mile |
milenium | millennium. |
miles | miles |
mili | millimeter. |
mili amper | milliampere |
mili ohm | milliohm |
milibar | millibar |
miligal | milligal |
miligram | milligram. |
milik | property, possession |
milik berharga | very own |
milik kata sendiri | our own-selves |
milik ku sendiri | my own possession |
milik mereka | theirs |
milik mereka sendiri | their own-selves |
milik mu | thine |
milik mu sendiri | your own-self |
mile | |
noun |
a unit of length equal to 1,760 yards or 5,280 feet; exactly 1609.344 meters
satu unit panjang sama dengan 1.760 meter atau 5.280 kaki; tepatnya 1609,344 meter
mi, mile, miles, ranks |
Contohsepanjang 2.000 mil for 2,000 miles.
Jaraknya sekitar 5.000 mil dari Delhi Approximately 5,000 miles from Delhi
"dan mengirimkannya 500 mil "and we'll ship them 500 miles up the coast
karena telah mengambil alih setir dan mengemudi beberapa mil. for taking the wheel and driving a few miles.
dengan kecepatan ratusan mil per jam, going at hundreds of miles an hour,
sejauh satu mil atau lebih." by a mile or more."
Dan berlanjut sejauh bermil-mil and they go on for miles and miles and miles.
Ada ratusan, sampai 1000 atau 1200 mil bukit pasir. There's hundreds, up to a 1,000 or 1,200 miles of dunes.
membentang ratusan mil menuju luar angkasa. extending hundreds of miles into space.
dan kenyatannya kami melihat, pada gambar lain, pancaran ini berjalan ribuan mil that, in fact, we see, in other images, goes thousands of miles
empat mil lepas pantai Key Largo, four miles off the coast of Key Largo,
Kita menggunakan jaring sepanjang 20 mil. We use nets that are 20 miles long.
sedang berjalanan seratus mil di lepas pantai entah di mana, were traveling on a ship a hundred miles offshore in the middle of nowhere,
Saya memiliki 18 mil pita rekaman. I had 18 miles of tape.
dia merangkak sepanjang perjalanannya -- 30 mil (48.2 km) -- she crawled all the way -- 30 miles --
namun hanya memiliki 300 mil jalan aspal. but it only has 300 miles of paved roads.
Rata-rata, ada satu landasan pacu pesawat setiap 20 hingga 30 mil On average, there's one within 20 to 30 miles
di Melbourne yang jaraknya 600 mil. 600 miles away in Melbourne.
setengah mil di bawah tanah. half a mile underground.
Saya mengemudi mobil lain dengan kecepatan yang sama, 60 mil per jam, I drove the other one at 60 miles an hour, exactly the same speed,
"Mari kita bergerak secepat mungkin, 60 mil per jam. "Let's hit this as fast as possible. 60 miles an hour.
ilmuwan yang mengajarkan bahwa kecepatannya harus 37 mil per jam. a physicist who taught us that it had to be 37 miles an hour.
atau sekitar 22 mil. which is about 22 miles.
Bisa jadi sekolah ini berjarak ratusan mil dari rumah mereka. The institution may be hundreds of miles away from the family home.
Terletak sekitar tiga mil di luar Nairobi, It's about three miles out of Nairobi,
dan dengan panjang satu mil dan lebarnya seperlima mil, and it's a mile long and about two-tenths of a mile wide,
Contohnya, jika siapa pun di antara kita ingin bergerak dengan kecepatan 60 mil per jam, For example, if either of us wants to go 60 miles an hour,
dari rumah saya yang berjarak 3.000 mil dari sana. several times a week, from my home 3,000 miles away.
dari tempat tidurmu di California 3.000 mil dari sini. from your bed in California 3,000 miles away.
1.000 mil dari tempat kita membeli sesuatu; 1,000 miles away of the things that we buy;
akibat sosial yang jaraknya 10.000 mil the social consequences 10,000 miles away
ribuan mil jauhnya. thousands of miles away.
Mereka lalu mengirimkan mereka, ratusan mil jauhnya Then they ship them off, hundreds of miles away
adalah kabel sepanjang setengah mil was a half-mile long length of wire,
menjadi memasang ribuan mil kabel to laying thousands and thousands of miles of cable
Mereka tidak boleh memancing dalam radius 200 mil. They can't fish there for a radius of 200 miles.
Dan bintang-bintang ini telah menyusut sampai sekitar selebar 12, 15 mil And these stars have compressed down to maybe something like 12, 15 miles wide,
Namun -- salah satu benda ini, hanya dengan mendekat, sekitar 1 juta mil. But it only has to get close, about a billion miles away, one of these things.
Sekitar 1 juta mil, inilah yang terjadi dengan orbit bumi -- About a billion miles away, here's what happens to Earth's orbit:
meledak di atas Siberia dan meratakan hutan selebar sekitar 100 mil. exploded over Siberia and flattened forests for maybe 100 miles.
di tahun 1989 asteroid besar lewat pada jarak 400.000 mil dari bumi. In 1989, a large asteroid passed 400,000 miles away from Earth.
asteroid kecil, sekitar setengah mil, akan menyalakan badai api A small asteroid, say a half mile wide, would touch off firestorms
sebuah asteroid selebar 5 mil menyebabkan kepunahan besar -- An asteroid five miles wide causes major extinctions.
kami pikir lebar asteroid yang membunuh dinosaurus sekitar 5 mil. We think the one that got the dinosaurs was about five miles wide.
di sana, ada yang bergaris tengah 50 mil atau lebih, out there, that are 50 miles in diameter or more,
selebar setengah mil atau lebih. that are a half a mile big or bigger.
Dan benda ini mengorbit asteroid sepanjang 30 -- bukan 22 mil bernama Eris. And these guys orbited a 30 -- or no, about a 22-mile long asteroid called Eros.
namun kita tidak memiliki sesuatu yang cukup besar untuk melelehkan asteroid sebesar 22 mil. but we don't really have anything big enough to melt a 22-mile long asteroid,
di tempat yang hanya berjarak 90 mil dari sini and only 90 miles from here,
saya harus pergi ke kota terdekat, sekitar 400 mil dari tempat tinggal saya. I had to go with the nearest city, which is about 400 miles away from where I live.