Indonesian to English
minuman keras alcoholic liquors
minuman keras dr Peranciscognac
minuman keras
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by Xamux Translate
minumana drink, beverage
kerashard, solid state, tight, not flexible, strong, gruff, hard, loud, stern, seriously

Related Word(s)

booze, grog, intoxicants, liqueur, liquor, liquors, stimulant


Tahun 1920, contohnya, Anda tidak boleh minum minuman keras;
In 1920, for example, you weren't allowed to drink;
toko-toko minuman keras,
liquor stores,
Toko-toko minuman keras,
Liquor stores,
Orang-orang ini justru sedikit minum minuman keras setiap hari,
Instead, these people drink a little bit every day,
di mana es krim pun hadir dengan campuran minuman keras.
where ice cream freezers are filled with slushy malt liquor.
hak untuk memilih, hak untuk minum minuman keras.
the right to vote, the right to drink.
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