Indonesian to English
minuman a drink, beverage
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minuman alkhohol (madu dan air diberi ragi)mead
minuman alkohol perusakrotgot
minuman anggur manissherry
minuman anggur putihmalmsey
minuman beralkoholalcoholic beverage
minuman beraroma adasanisette
minuman botolbottled drink
minuman buatan setempatlocal-made drink
minuman dan makananrefreshments
minuman dari buah apelcider
minuman dari jeruk sitrunlemon squash
minuman dari teluregg nog
minuman dingincold drink
minuman gratisa drink on the house
minuman jusjuice drink
minuman kerasalcoholic liquors
minuman keras dibuat secara gelapmoonshine
minuman panashot drink
minuman penyegarpickmeup
minuman ragi buah pirperry

Related Word(s)

a, admixture, beverage, beverages, both, brew, cup, cups, draught, drink, drinking, drinks, drunk, juice, liqueur, liqueurs, liquor, liquors, measured, mixture, mother, of, pops, prepared, refreshments, relief, rum, spilling, spirituous, stews, tipple


alkohol, tembakau, minuman manis
alcohol, tobacco, sugary drinks --
Alkohol adalah minuman pilihan di siang hari.
Alcohol was the daytime beverage of choice.
yaitu 40 juta gelas per hari untuk minuman panas,
and that is 40 million cups a day for hot beverages,
Apakah mereka minum minuman berwarna?
Had they consumed colored drinks?
dengan industri minuman bersoda dan makanan kecil untuk memangkas kalori
with the soft drink and the snack food industry to cut the caloric
minuman terbaik yang pernah Anda minum, persembahan dari "Film Terbaik yang Pernah Dijual."
the greatest drink you've ever had, courtesy of "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold."
obat generic untuk ramuan obat anti-retroviral dan campuran minuman.
of generic drugs on anti-retroviral drug compounds and cocktails.
saya tawarkan satu set minuman,
I offered them a set of drinks:
Saya bertanya, "Ada berapa macam minuman semuanya?"
and I asked them, "How many choices are these?"
dan lebih dari dua lusin minuman botol yang berbeda --
and more than two dozen different kinds of bottled water --
minuman nasional Skotlandia.
the national beverage of Scotland.
Tahun 1920, contohnya, Anda tidak boleh minum minuman keras;
In 1920, for example, you weren't allowed to drink;
Dia menjual air, minuman ringan
She sells water, sells soft drinks
tiap pekan, saya pergi ke toko dan membeli minuman ini
Every week, I would go to the corner store and buy all these pops.
dan minggu depannya mereka kembali memesan minuman itu dari saya;
And they'd give me their orders for the following week.
lalu saya kirim kembali minuman itu dan harganya saya naikan dua kali lipat ..
And then I'd just deliver pop and I'd just charge twice.
anda tahu bahwa dengan itu, anda bisa membawa minuman beralkohol
Yeah, but you know what? You stuff that down your shorts,
Sekarang dia berjualan minuman dingin, di pinggir jalan raya.
And now he sells cool drinks, he's by the highway.
toko-toko minuman keras,
liquor stores,
Toko-toko minuman keras,
Liquor stores,
Setiap negara memiliki minuman beralkohol yang tergantung konteks. Di Prancis itu Pernod.
Every country has a contextual alcoholic drink. In France it's Pernod.
dan dia berhenti di sebuah bar untuk membeli minuman.
and he stops at a pub to get a drink.
sebagian besar dari sampah ke laut akan berupa botol plastik minuman.
much of this trash leading out to the sea will be plastic beverage bottles.
makanan dan minuman yang dia makan,
the food and drink she consumes,
di mana minuman sering lebih mahal daripada
where a drink often cost more than what they'd paid
bahwa jika Anda percaya Anda minum minuman mahal,
that if you believe you're drinking the expensive stuff,
Tetapi jika Anda percaya Anda minum minuman mahal,
But if you believe you're drinking expensive stuff,
Semua minuman saya terbungkus plastik,
All of my beverages are packaged in plastic,
Orang-orang ini justru sedikit minum minuman keras setiap hari,
Instead, these people drink a little bit every day,
di mana es krim pun hadir dengan campuran minuman keras.
where ice cream freezers are filled with slushy malt liquor.
Lalu Ivan pergi mengambil minuman.
And so Ivan goes to get a drink.
dari buah matang sampai minuman gandum coklat
from ripe fruits through chocolate malts
hak untuk memilih, hak untuk minum minuman keras.
the right to vote, the right to drink.
Karena aturannya, setiap kali Anda menawarkan minuman kepada seseorang,
Suppose the rules are: every time you offer somebody a drink,
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