Indonesian to English
muhajirin (Islam) those who accompanied Mud. on his flight from Mecca.
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Related Word(s)

asylum, emigrants, emigrated, end, even, female, helped, homes, immigrants, into, latter, migrants, muhajireen, muhajirs, no, pleases, refuge, share, shelter, took, well
dan ingatlah hai para muhajirin
recall the
muhajirin dan orang orang anshar
emigrants and the supporters those
muhajirin itulah orang orang yang
even such men as are
muhajirin ketika kamu masih berjumlah
shelter when you were
nabi orang orang muhajirin dan
the prophet the muhajirs and
orang muhajirin dan orang orang
and the muhajirs and the
orang orang muhajirin dan orang
the emigrants and the
sesudah mereka muhajirin dan anshor
into the faith after them
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