muka | |||
muka bulatan | spherical surface |
muka merah | high colour |
muka pucat | pallor |
muka yang hitam pekat | black complexion |
muka-bebas | free surface |
mukadimah | /mukaddimah/ introduction, preface. |
mukah | adultery. |
mukatanah | land level |
about, advance, advanced, away, before, case, chins, countenance, countenances, deeds, discussions, do, earnest, earth, entry, essence, face, faces, facial, fell, forth, front, head, heads, him, journey, killed, land, lead, on, out, phiz, precede, retainer |
Contohdan pendidikan bagi setiap manusia di muka bumi ini. and education to every single human being on the planet.
bahwa setiap hari ada binatang yang musnah dari muka Bumi ini. that every day animals were being wiped off the face of this Earth forever.
Dia menjadi frustasi, dia meniupkan gelembung ke muka saya. And she would get frustrated; she'd blow bubbles in my face.
untuk muncul di muka publik dengan cara yang tak pernah saya bayangkan, into public life, in a way that I'd never imagined, I've been able to sort of go all over the world,
bahwa manusia punya hak yang sama di muka bumi ini that all men are created equal
Mengapa orang-orang yang paling peka sosial di muka bumi Why are the most socially-attuned people on earth
dengan raut muka suram with these grim expressions
Dan kelompok tatap muka jauh lebih cerdas And face-to-face groups are much smarter
Kami minta mereka membuat muka aneh-aneh sebagai tanda komitmen. Asked them to make a face as a sign of commitment.
Kami sebut proyek itu Face 2 Face (Tatap Muka) We called the project Face 2 Face.
sedang membuat muka aneh ini?" doing a face -- right here?"
untuk melihat penyakit dan membuang muka. to look away from illness.
Komunikasi tatap muka telah disempurnakan Face-to-face communication has been fine-tuned
500 tahun yang lalu, komunikasi tatap muka 500 years ago, it ran into
kini dilakukan video online terhadap komunikasi tatap muka. online video can now do for face-to-face communication.
dan inilah serangkaian halaman muka and this is a series of front covers
Anda hanya perlu mencuci muka: all you have to do is wash your face:
kebahagiaan manusia di muka bumi ini. of human happiness on the planet.
dilenyapkan dari muka bumi, eradicated from the face of the Earth,
Apakah ada yang melakukan variasi dari suatu tema? Seperti muka tersenyum? Did anybody to a variation on a theme? Like a smiley face?
Muka senang? Muka sedih? Muka ngantuk? Ada yang melakukan itu? Happy face? Sad face? Sleepy face? Anybody do that?
dan mereka mati-matian menyelamatkan muka saya. and they were doing their best to help me save face.
dan saya menutup muka saya dengan tangan and I put my face in my hands,
Ini memungkinkan Anda membayar di muka dengan menggunakan hal ini This allows you to pay it forward by using this subject as a
lihat lah gambar-gambar muka yang belum pernah dilihat orang look at the wonderful images of faces that nobody has seen
Orang tua meliha muka-muka yang tersenyum Older people look toward the smiling faces
dan menghindari muka-muka berkerut, muka-muka marah. and away from the frowning, angry faces.
di mana saja di muka Bumi ini. everywhere on Earth.
Dulu saya akan berkata bahwa saya adalah orang terakhir di muka Bumi I would have told you myself that I was the last person on Earth
dan sayalah satu-satunya orang di muka Bumi ini and I was the only person on Earth
Bertatap muka mungkin saja berhasil, Face to face would work,
sedatar muka bulan, are about as flat as the surface of the moon,
yang berhasil dimusnahkan dari muka bumi. wiped off the face of the planet.
dan kota ini adalah kota terbesar di muka Bumi pada saat itu. and it was the largest city on the face of the planet at that point.
dan melemparkannya ke muka saya, dan saya pikir saya dapat -- and threw them at my face, and I felt that I could --
dan kini mereka ada di halaman muka, and now they are in the forefront of the news,
Ini adalah berita halaman muka. This is the cover story.
Jadi, bukan audisi tatap muka, namun Anda harus bermain di balik layar. So rather than face-to-face auditions, you would have to play behind a screen.
sekarang ada yang menunjukkan muka tersenyum atau muka merengut, now actually show a smiley face or a frowny face,
Apa yang menarik tentang muka-muka ini adalah, bahwa biayanya hanya sekitar 10 persen What's fascinating about these signs is they cost about 10 percent
Tapi muka-muka ini mencegah kecelakaan dua kali lipat. but they prevent twice as many accidents.
bahwa muka kecil aneh yang tersenyum is that a weird little smiley face
Saya mencuci muka saya dengan ini pada pagi hari sebelum ke presentasi ini. I washed my face with this this morning in preparation for this.
yang memuji kebersihan muka saya hari ini. has complimented me on the cleanliness of my face today.
Di nama pengirim ada tulisan dengan deskripsi singkat, "muka kuda". After her name, written in brackets was the apt description, horse face.
"Kepada Muka Kuda, dengan cinta dari Geoffrey Dickens." "To Horse Face, with love from Geoffrey Dickens, M.P."
Saya yang menuliskan "Muka Kuda", supaya Bapak ingat siapa dia." I wrote Horse Face on her, so you'd remember who she was."
? muka tekuk dan bengkak ? ? crumpled and puffy faced ?
dan kita bayar mereka di muka. and we prepaid them.
Anda dapat melihatnya di halaman muka New York Times. You may have seen in on the front page of the New York Times.