mulai berlaku | came into force |
mulai berlaku | |||
mulai | begin |
berlaku | 1 be valid, be in effect. 2 occur, happen. 3 prevail, obtain. 4 behave. 5 act as |
effect, effective, start |
Contohsaat anak-anak itu mulai berlaku seperti itu, when a kid like this gets into a fit,
akan mulai berlaku desember ini would become effective this dec
dan harus mulai berlaku dari and shall take effect from
dan mulai berlaku efektif pada and was effective on
dua koridor itu mulai berlaku both corridors will start
jenderal dan harus mulai berlaku general and shall take effect
juga menetapkan saat mulai berlakunya also stipulate the effective date
menyambut baik telah mulai berlakunya welcomes the
mulai berlaku desember ini dan become effective this dec and
rute tambahan ini mulai berlaku these additional routes are active
yang mulai berlaku efektif april which became effective on april