Indonesian to English
mulai mengerti getting the feel of
mulai mengerti
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by Xamux Translate


dan mulai mengerti sebuah sistem planet
and to come to understand a planetary system
Kita baru mulai mengerti hal itu.
And we’re only just beginning to grasp it.
Baru belakangan ini saya mulai mengerti
It's only recently that I've started to understand
kami mulai mengerti bahwa bakteri memiliki perilaku sosial seperti ini.
we were starting to understand that bacteria have these social behaviors.
"Saya mulai mengerti di mana saya berada,
"I'm beginning to understand where I am,
Dan saya mulai mengerti
And I began to grasp
mungkin kita dapat mulai mengerti perang.
we can perhaps start to understand the war.
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