Indonesian to English
negara maju developed countries
negara maju
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Tahun 1970, negara maju memutuskan untuk menghabiskan
In 1970, the developed world decided we were going to spend
dan sekarang itu sangat jarang ada di negara maju.
and it's now very rare in the developed world.
Jepang dan negara maju lainnya di dunia.
Japan and other developed parts of the world.
namun tidak di negara maju dan kaya.
but not in the rich developed world.
Pertama kami melakukannya di negara maju yang kaya
We did it first on these rich, developed countries,
dalam hal negara maju yang kaya.
in terms of the rich developed world.
namun tentang apa yang ada di demokrasi pasar negara maju.
I'm talking about what exists in rich developed market democracies.
di negara maju yang kaya
in the rich developed world
mereka yang tinggal di negara maju
that those of us who live in the developed world
negara maju dan negara berkembang,
developing and developed,
untuk negara-negara maju.
for First World countries.
Tapi ini bukan hanya negara maju.
But it's not just the developed nations.
bukan negara maju.
rather than a developed country.
bukan oleh negara-negara maju,
not by the old developed countries,
dan lalu mereka mengikuti pergerakan negara-negara maju.
and then they follow with the other high-income economies.
Pada 1950 -- Itu adalah negara-negara maju,
This is 1950 -- those were the industrialized countries,
Negara maju dan berkembang.
industrialized and developing.
Kami membuatnya untuk ponsel pintar agar dapat digunakan di negara maju,
We're building for smartphones, so that it can be used in the developed world,
Hampir semua pertumbuhan seperti itu terjadi di negara maju
Almost all of that growth will be in the developed world.
dalam ruang operasi di Amerika Serikat atau negara maju lainnya.
in any operating room across the U.S. or any other developed country.
menyamai masalah-masalah di negara maju seperti masalah jantung,
health problems of the higher state of cardiac issue,
bahwa negara-negara maju, 1960,
that the industrialized world, 1960,
satu milyar di negara-negara maju
the one billion in the industrialized world
Negara-negara maju,
In the industrialized world,
sebab sistem yang mereka pakai sama seperti yang dipakai di negara maju
because they had a system that was a lot like in the developed world,
terutama di negara-negara maju.
that's especially true in the developed world.
Dan orang-orang yang tinggal di perkotaan di negara-negara maju
And people who live in cities in the developed world
Jadi negara-negara maju
So developing nations
"Baik," saya pikir, "Ini adalah negara maju, mari kita lihat apa yang mereka dapat lakukan."
"Okay," I thought, "here's a First World country, let's see what they can do."
negara-negara maju,
developed countries, have generously done
Negara maju, termasuk negara seperti Cina,
the developed countries, including countries like China,
sudahkah dijalankan disemua negara maju
have we deployed it in all the developed countries
karena itulah jumlahnya secara kasar di negara maju
because that's roughly the fraction of developed world population
yang kita miliki di negara maju.
that we have in the developed world.
Di negara maju rata-ratanya
In the developed world it's on average
Manusia di negara maju
Humans in the developed world
dan di sembilan negara maju lainnya.
and in nine other industrialized countries.
adalah banyak barang dari negara-negara maju --
is that a lot of our stuff from the developed world --
di seluruh dunia, bahkan di negara-negara maju.
all over the world, even in developed countries.
dan bagi sebagian negara-negara maju lainnya
and a handful of other developed countries,
Sebagian karena pelayanan kesehatan di negara-negara maju,
Well, in part, because health care in the developed world,
terutama biaya layanan kesehatan di negara maju
the health care costs in the [developed] world,
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