Indonesian to English
olah manner, way of doing thing
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  1. ulah
    (gerak-gerik, kelakuan, perangai, perbuatan, perilaku, polah, ragam, sepak terjang, sikap, telatah, tindak-tanduk, tindakan, tingkah laku)
  2. akal
  3. cara
  4. daya
  5. gaya
  6. laku
  7. lagu
  8. muslihat
  9. ragam
  10. canda
  11. kelakuan
  12. perangai
  13. tingkah laku
olah raga berburublood sports
olah raga menyelamskin diving
olah raga tinjupugilism
olah-olahruse, trick
olah-ragasport, physical exercise
olahantickle, whim, caprice
olahraga senamgymnastics
olahragawansportsman, athlete
olahragawatifemale athlete

Related Word(s)

disobey, exaggerate, grants, gymnastics, heat, hebrew, if, investigation, man, out, sports, support, treat, use


sampai aku merasa seolah-olah berada di balik kedua matanya.
that I felt I was behind her eyes.
Anda bertindak dengan belas kasih, seolah-olah Anda memiliki belas kasih
You act compassionately as though you have compassion:
informasi yang harus kita olah sangat besar:
the information that we have to work with is these gigantic numbers:
Semua diskusi ini seolah-olah menjadi sebuah beban ekonomi,
And this whole discussion as if it's some sort of economic burden,
musik mereka, olah raga mereka, apapun itu.
their music, their sport, whatever it might be.
LSM, pendidikan, serikat, olah raga.
non-government, education, unions, sports.
Kami akan menggunakan olah raga dan sepak bola.
We'll utilize sport and football.
seolah-olah saya kembali menjadi anak-anak lagi.
as if I went back in time and became a child again.
dapat beasiswa kampus atau prestasi olah raga lainnya
winning my college scholarship, or any of my sports victories,
dan saya duduk di sana dan melihat seolah-olah saya memiliki sesuatu
and I sit there and look as if I have something
Kelihatannya seolah-olah gerakan mengayunkan
It looks as if the waving
Maksud saya, media membuat kesan seolah-olah kami sekarat.
I mean, the media was making it sound like were were dying.
Seolah-olah, jika anda menggunakan komputer,
That somehow, if you use a computer,
untuk tampil dalam sebuah acara olah raga.
to perform at sporting events.
boneka binatang dan menghibur orang dalam acara-acara olah raga.
as stuffed animals and entertain people at sporting events.
Bagi orang lain, kami berbuat seolah-olah telah berhubungan seks sejak usia dua tahun.
For everybody else, we go around like we've been having sex since we were two.
seolah-olah ada paru-paru buatan pada filternya.
this creates an artificial lung in the filter.
Kita hidup di tempat-tempat seperti ini seolah-olah
We live in places like this as if
Jadi saya dengan cerdik memilih olah raga mendayung, yang kemudian dapat saya kuasai dengan sangat baik.
So I cleverly chose rowing, which I got very good at.
olah tiga karyawan
by three employees
seolah-olah berputar di luar kendali dan kemudian berubah menjadi penyakit jantung,
sort of spirals out of control that can lead to heart disease,
dan bersikap seolah-olah kebisingan ini tidak ada.
and pretending that it doesn't exist.
Seolah-olah dia berada dalam pengaruh beberapa obat yang tidak terlihat,
It was as if he was in the grip of some invisible pharmaceutical,
Dan mereka melakukan berbagai olah mental untuk menyelesaikannya.
And they go through these amazing mental gymnastics to accomplish this.
ini akan terlihat seolah-olah evolusi galaksi
it would look as though the evolution of the galaxy
Semua terlihat seolah-olah membeku dalam suatu macam pelukan.
They look like they're frozen in some embrace.
seolah-olah Tuhan --
as though God --
Jadi, efek gabungannya adalah seolah-olah saya baru saja mencerminkannya terhadap garis Z
Well, the combined effect is as if I had just done the reflection in the line through Z
Seolah-olah ia dicerminkan terhadap garis yang melewati Y.
It's as if it was reflected in the line through Y.
seolah-olah mereka bahkan tidak ada.
it's as if they don't even exist.
Seolah-olah seperti ada satu gaya yang indah
It's almost as if there was one beautiful
seolah-olah kebutuhan masyarakat yang hanya
as if the need of a community, which is only
(Whoosh) seolah-olah mereka bisa merasakan apa yang akan terjadi.
(Whoosh) This electric hush, as if they could sense what was about to happen.
seolah-olah itu memberikan gambaran akurat
as though that gives you an accurate picture
saya merasa seolah-olah saya sudah menang.
I feel as though I've won.
Industri alat-alat olah raga, terutama
The sporting goods industry, in particular,
Kami seolah-olah kelompok miniatur PBB, dan ini sesuatu yang menyenangkan.
We were like a miniature United Nations, which was fun,
Bayangkan seolah-olah itu minibus. Sekelompok teknisi mobil bersaing
Think of it in minivans. A group of automobile
Jadi saya melihat budidaya informasi seolah-olah itu makanan
So I looked at the cultivation of information as if it were food
dan seolah-olah mengubah fisik saya
and sort of physically transform myself
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