Indonesian to English
omong way of talking, talk, say
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  1. bicara
    (cakap, celotehan, kata, ocehan, omongan, perkataan, suara, tutur, ucapan, ujaran, wicara, akal budi, penalaran, pikiran, rasio, pembicaraan, perundingan)
  2. cakap
  3. kecek
omong kosongrats
omong kosong -wag chin
omong-omongantalk, chat, idle talk, by the way, speaking of that
omongan cepatfast talk
omongan jitu untuk menipudouble talk
omongan penjualsales talk

Related Word(s)

blustering, nonsense, pseudoscientific, rigmarole, talk


Omong-omong, seluruh tindak pencegahan
And by the way, all those precautions
Omong-omong, ini adalah gejala yang terkait jenis kelamin.
This is a gender-linked trait, by the way.
Omong-omong, kendaraan saya keren kan. (Tertawa)
By the way, check out my sweet ride. (Laughter)
Dan omong-omong, kita berpindah dan beredar
And by the way, we immigrate and circulate
melalui dukungan terhadap salah satu kelompok-kelompok tersebut. Semuanya omong kosong belaka.
by supporting one of these groups. It's a load of nonsense.
apakah itu hanya metafora omong kosong,
is that just bullshit, metaphorical bullshit,
Kebenaran, keingintahuan, keragaman, tidak jualan, tanpa omong kosong bisnis,
Truth, curiosity, diversity, no selling, no corporate bullshit,
dan omong-omong, ini tahun 1986 --
and by the way, this was in 1986 --
Ternyata, omong-omong, putri-putri kami adalah Stalin cilik.
It turns out, by the way, our girls are little Stalins.
Dan omong-omong, penelitian mendukung hal ini juga.
And by the way, research backs this up too.
Dan omong-omong, Healey, adalah nama yang bagus sekali untuk dokter.
and by the way, Healey, great name for a doctor.
Dan omong-omong, kopi itu,
And by the way, that coffee,
Boneka di sana, omong-omong,
That figure right there, by the way,
dan, omong-omong, ini adalah kisah nyata --
and this is a true story, by the way —
"Omong-omong, 5 menit lagi
like, "By the way, five minutes,
banyak orang bicara omong kosong
so many people talk so much rubbish
Omong-omong, faktor lainnya,
The other factor, by the way,
Transformasi pertama -- omong-omong,
The first transformation -- and, by the way,
Omong-omong, apa bahasa Ibrani untuk tanah liat? Adam.
By the way, what's the Hebrew word for clay? Adam.
Oh, omong-omong, flamingo itu,
Oh, and by the way, those flamingos,
Kismet: (Omong kosong).
Kismet: (Nonsense)
Kismet: (Omong kosong).
Kismet: (Nonsense)
dengan mencoba menghilangkan omong kosong
trying to go away from this patronizing bullshit
Omong-omong, itu sama saja dengan Imperial College di London.
And that's no different from Imperial College in London, by the way,
Jadi -- ini omong kosong seperti yang kita katakan?
So you've -- it's crap, isn't it really? As we say.
dan omong-omong, saya pernah menjadi anak kecil --
and by the way, I was little once --
Omong-omong wanita yang disana itu menangis.
The lady over there is actually crying, by the way.
dan omong-omong, tidak ada kenikmatan dalam wajah itu.
And by the way, there's no pleasure in that face.
dan omong-omong saya suka kembali ke sini,
and the way I love to come back to it,
Omong-omong, saya mesti mengakui, bahasa Inggris saya tidak terlalu bagus,
By the way, I must admit, my English is not so good,
Ini bukanlah filsafat omong kosong.
And this is not mumbo-jumbo philosophy.
Itu omong kosong.
That's nonsense.
Itu mutlak omong kosong.
That's absolute hogwash.
dan mengadakan pertemuan yang hanya membicarakan tentang omong kosong --
and have meetings where you talk about doing some shit --
Omong-omong, ada beberapa bukti bahwa hal-hal seperti jaringan sosial membantu hal ini.
There is some evidence, by the way, that things like social networking help do that.
Omong-omong, saya berasal dari Essex,
I was, by the way -- I'm an Essex lad,
Ini omong kosong.
This is crap.
omong kosong semacam itu.
such utter bollocks.
Saya akan berbicara tentang mengapa kita bersama perlu mengenyahkan omong kosong
I'm going to talk about why we have to get our shit together,
Saya katakan itu omong kosong.
I say that's nonsense.
Kami belajar tentang siklus penurunan lempeng Marshall Key, omong kosong.
We learned of Marshall Kay's geosynclinal cycle, which is a bunch of crap.
Dalam konteks sekarang, itu omong kosong
In today's context, it was a bunch of crap,
yang omong-omong memerlukan kualitas kontrol yang bagus
that by the way needs to have good quality control,
Dan, omong-omong, sekarang saya mempunyai
and, by the way, I've now got
Menurut saya, kita telah melebih-lebihkan omong kosong ini,
Well, in my opinion, we went too far with this nonsense,
Dan omong-omong,
And by the way,
Omong-omon, Tony Hayward, mantan CEO dari BP,
By the way, Tony Hayward, the former CEO of BP,
yang beranggapan bahwa semua omong kosong ekologis ini
who believed that all this ecological nonsense
Ini semua omong kosong jika Anda tidak dapat membuktikannya di lapangan."
This is all mumbo-jumbo if you can't show it on the ground."
Omong-omong, saya mengajarkan anda
By the way, I'm teaching you
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