Indonesian to English
operator operator
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operator anihilasiannihilation operator
operator antihermiteanantihermitean operator
operator antilinearantilinear operator
operator bawahlowering operator
operator benturan binerbinary collision operator
operator bilangannumber operator
operator bilangan hunianoccupation number operator
operator bilangan zarahparticle number operator
operator boltzmann-enskogboltzmann-enskog operator
operator bosebose operator
operator casimircasimir operator
operator due zarah aditifadditive two-particle operator
operator dwikutubdipole operator
operator energienergy operator
operator evolusievolution operator
operator filmcamera-man
operator genapeven operator
operator hamiltonanhamiltonian operator
operator hermiteanhermitian operator
operator kanoniscanonical operator

Related Word(s)

bill, carrier, carriers, operators, policeman, provider


menjadi sesuatu yang dapat diproduksi operator-operator mesin.
into something machine operators could produce.
Ada bagian operator di sebelah kanan yang memungkinkan Anda memutar,
There's an operator side on the right that allows you to turn,
tidak hanya untuk mengelabui operator di ruang kendali.
not only to fool the operators in the control room.
Jelas, ini tidak bisa dilakukan oleh operator manusia.
Obviously, this cannot be done by a human operator.
Jika tidak, mungkin Anda harus melalui operator.
If you were not, you maybe had to go through an operator.
Anda akan mendapati biaya yang berbeda untuk operator handphone yang berbeda
you've got different settings for different mobile providers.
Kami adalah operator hotel terbesar di Bay Area,
We were the largest operator of hotels in the Bay Area,
Karena itulah sebagian besar dari operator internasional
No wonder that most of the most important
Anda melihat seorang operator orang Afrika yang terlatih
You see an operator, a trained African
yaitu, walau Anda memiliki operator manusia,
that, even though you have these human operators,
Operator itu berkata, "Tenang saja.
The operator says, "Just take it easy.
dan operator mendengar suara tembakan.
and the operator hears a shot.
Ada satu instansi pemerintah dan satu perusahaan operator pesawat yang mengatakan,
We had one government agency and one company aircraft operator say,
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