Indonesian to English
otomotif automotive
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Related Word(s)

auto, automobile, automotive, motor, motoring


dan perlombaan otomotif.
and from automotive racing.
Dan bahan bakar otomotif tanpa timbal yang kami gunakan
And the unleaded automotive fuel that we use
Dua persen bukan 20 persen, tapi dalam bisnis otomotif,
Two percent isn't 20 percent, but in the car business,
Salah satu karya yang saya buat awalnya adalah desain otomotif --
One of the most early work was done in automotive design --
Bagian ini, rahasia besar desain otomotif --
This bit, the big secret of automotive design --
industri otomotif runtuh,
an auto industry collapse,
Banyak yang mendapatkan pekerjaan di industri otomotif,
Many found work in the automobile industry,
dan lahirlah model bisnis untuk distributor otomotif.
and innovative business models for automobile dealerships were developed.
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