Indonesian to English
padahal whereas, besides
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  1. sedangkan
  2. sementara itu

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accept, according, actually, afflict, aforetime, after, albeit, all, although, amidst, ammonia, and, as, at, based, befell, before, behold, besides, blind, both, brings, but, certainly, clearly, command, concerning, deemest, deny, despite, did, disbelieved


padahal saya memiliki latar belakang keagamaan yang kuat.
despite my own intensely religious background,
Padahal sebenarnya, apa yg akan saya gugar, dan apa yang anda perlu mulai,
But in fact, what I would argue and what you really need to kind of begin with
Kalau Anda menganggapnya absurd, padahal tidak.
And if you think this is absurd, it's not.
Padahal kita tidak.
And we don't.
padahal mereka sebenarnya mendaftar diri untuk
when what they actually signed up for
padahal di berbagai dunia lain ada ide-ide baru
whereas in all these other worlds there are these new ideas
padahal satu pertanyaan sebenarnya mengandung banyak pertanyaan
in which that single question actually is many questions
Padahal justru itulah
Yet that is exactly what
padahal saat ini saya dikenal atas kesempatan dan petualangan
when in fact, today I'm celebrated for the opportunities and adventures
Padahal sebenarnya kami berubah, tentu saja, dipengaruhi tantangan yg dialami
But, in fact, we are changed. We are marked, of course, by a challenge,
padahal sebenarnya tidak, tapi apa yang sebenarnya anda --
when it really didn't, but what you're really --
dan mereka menyerah setelah sekitar 40 (buku), padahal masih ada lebih banyak lagi.
and they gave up after about 40, and there were many more.
Padahal tidak demikian.
But it hadn't.
padahal sisi itu hanya memiliki saat ini.
but basically it has only the present.
Padahal ukurannya luar biasa besar.
And it was huge -- it was absolutely enormous.
Padahal mereka tidak berniat menjadi jurnalis. Para jurnalis pikir
But they don't want to be journalists. The journalists think
Anda pikir detilnya ada di sana, padahal tidak.
You think the detail's there, but it isn't there.
Padahal, sebagian batasan lebih luas dibandingkan yang lain.
Still, some boundaries are larger than others.
Padahal garis finishnya sudah terlihat di depan mata.
And that was the finishing post right there.
kulit itu enak, padahal saya tidak suka kulit ikan.
which was delicious -- and I don't like fish skin;
padahal kita di Nairobi dan kita tidak memiliki semua kemudahan itu.
yet we sit here in Nairobi and we do not have that luxury.
Bagaimana hal ini bisa terjadi pada saya padahal segalanya
How did this happen to me if I was supposedly
adalah berpura-pura mengetahui jawabannya padahal tidak.
is pretend I have the answers when I don't.
padahal benda itu hanya diam --
even though it's standing still --
Padahal tidak begitu. Anak saya tidak begitu. Berani-beraninya?"
Actually, they're not. My son isn't. How dare you?"
Apa yang diperlukan, terlihat sederhana, padahal tidak,
What you need to do there, seems like it might be simple, but it's not,
Padahal, orang-orang sudah membicarakannya sejak dahulu,
In fact, people had talked about it for a long time,
menaruh uang di sana adalah pembuangan sumber daya bumi, padahal
it's a stupid waste of the Earth's resources to put money towards that
Padahal, kita punya alatnya, yang memungkinkan kita mengeksplorasi dunia
And yet finally, we have the tools, which will allow us to actually explore that world
Ke dalam perut Anda. Padahal teflon tidak untuk dimakan.
It has gone in your stomach. It was not meant for that. (Laughter)
padahal aku sedang tidur
but I was sleeping in my bed.
padahal kenyataannya, wanita sangatlah rumit,
when, in actuality, women are complicated,
padahal awalnya saya hanya seorang penasihat --
whereas I was just an adviser --
berusaha menjadi sempurna padahal tidak,
to try to be perfect when you're not,
padahal yang paling penting pembelajaran adalah
and a huge part of education
Padahal, biasanya pembuatan semen
Instead of -- cement usually
Padahal dia tidak memiliki bukti medis
While she didn't have any medical evidence
Tampaknya dia beristirahat dengan tenang, padahal dia sedang berjuang untuk hidup
He looks like he's resting peacefully, but in fact he's struggling to stay alive
padahal faktanya banyak korban penculikan diculik oleh anggota keluarga sendiri
when the data supports kidnapping by relatives is much more common.
padahal jelas tidak berfungsi dengan baik.
when it's obvious that it's not working properly.
Padahal berlatih adalah hal yang sangat positif.
It's very positive.
padahal sebaliknya, Internet justru menjadi opium baru bagi massa
while in fact it may actually be the new opium for the masses
Departemen Negara, padahal bukan Departemen Negara.
State Department. This is not the State Department.
padahal dia akan menjadi korban
And then he's about to become a victim
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