Indonesian to English
paksa force, compulsion
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  1. memaksa mendesak
  2. menekan
  3. mengerasi
  4. meminta
  5. mengharuskan
  6. mengikat
  7. mensyaratkan
  8. menuntut
  9. mewajibkan
paksaancompulsion, force
paksaan senjataforce of arms

Related Word(s)

averse, by, compel, compelled, compulsion, drive, enforce, fire, force, forced, forcedly, forcefully, forcible, forcibly, harshness, insisted, involuntary, shall, will


dan diambil secara paksa dari saudara kandung mereka.
they are arbitrarily separated from their siblings,
Mereka dijual untuk kerja paksa,
They are sold in the name of forced labor,
Paksa mereka untuk membantu sesama.
Force them to help others.
untuk mendokumentasikan perampasan paksa ini.
with my cameras to document this aggressive dispossession.
saya paksa diri saya untuk tidak menjawab
I have to stop myself from responding
? Terbuka paksa kugenggam mereka ?
? Pried open I held them ?
bagi pekerja paksa masih sangat kuat.
for forced labor is still real strong.
Micheal O'Donohue: Oh pasti. Keuntungan terbesar dari pekerja paksa
Michael O'Donoghue: Oh definitely. Non-voluntary labor's greatest advantage
yang dikirim ke Jerman untuk kerja paksa.
were shipped to Germany as forced labor.
kelaparan, migrasi paksa,
famine, forced migration,
Inilah migrasi paksa
That's the kind of forced migration
Beberapa orang lokal mengambil paksa selang itu
Some of the local people forcibly took away the hoses
perpindahan penduduk paksa,
forced migration
semacam kamp tawanan, kamp kerja paksa.
a sort of concentration camp, labor camp.
dari ketua kelompok kerja paksa
from the commune chief
Ini adalah kerja paksa anak
It's forced child labor
pekerja anak, tenaga kerja paksa
child labor, forced labor,
pembongkaran paksa
on the forced demolition
untuk menuntut pembongkaran paksa dari pemerintah lokal
to order forced demolition from local governments
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