Indonesian to English
palet palette.
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the range of colour characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art
berbagai karakteristik warna artis tertentu atau lukisan atau sekolah seni
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

palette, pallets


Sebagai contoh, jika saya memainkan warna, seperti dalam sebuah palet
So for example, if I played a color, like we were playing on a palette,
Perhatikan, semuanya tampak biasa dalam palet ini.
See, these are all right inside of the color palette.
palet emosioanl umum yang sedang kita gambar.
of this general emotional palette that we were painting.
Kami akan memainkan palet ini.
And we're going to play on this palette.
Saya mencoba mengangkat palet untuk menurunkan tekanan dalam kotak suara,
I tried to lift the pallets to lower the pressure in the sound box,
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