Indonesian to English
paling jelas clearest
paling jelas
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by Xamux Translate
palingthe most
jelasclear, distinct, unequivocal, explicit

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semacam mengambil jalan lurus, menggunakan solusi paling jelas
sort of take it straight on. And they follow the most obvious solution.
Visual yang paling jelas di panggung adalah pembicaranya.
The most obvious visual thing on stage is the speaker.
Dan mungkin yang paling jelas,
And perhaps most obviously,
mungkin contoh yang paling jelas adalah masalah pelemparan batu pada seorang penzinah
And perhaps the clearest example of this is stoning adulterers.
dampak yang paling jelas
an effect that was most pronounced
Kita bisa melihatnya paling jelas
And nowhere do we see that more clearly
Saya pertama kali melihatnya paling jelas
I first started to learn this most vividly
adalah salah satu contoh paling jelas
is one of the clearest examples
mungkin yang paling jelas,
perhaps most obviously of all,
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