Indonesian to English
paling sedikit at the least
paling sedikit
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by Xamux Translate
palingthe most
sedikita little, a bit

Related Word(s)

least, lowest, minimal, smallest


Dan kita pikir, paling sedikit dalam preliminari ini --
And we think, at least in this preliminary --
Paling sedikit, saya saat ini telah mengetahui
If nothing else, at least I've discovered
Di India dulu tidak ada. Sekarang paling sedikit ada setengah juta organisasi aktif.
None in India. There are now at least a half a million active.
Paling sedikit dua-pertiga penonton mengangkat tangan mereka.
And I never had fewer than two-thirds of an audience hold up their hand.
dalam jangka waktu paling sedikit tiga bulan, pejabat berwenang tersebut akan menelpon anda,
within three months the elected official will start calling you
paling sedikit, 40 kali, bahkan 50 kali secara terpisah
at least 40 times, maybe as many as 50 separate times
Gurun pasir ini memiliki curah hujan yang paling sedikit di negara ini.
It receives the least rainfall in the country,
Berapa jumlah kata paling sedikit
What's the minimum amount of words
Pulau Paskah di kepulauan Pasifik mendapat paling sedikit debu
Easter, of all Pacific islands, has the least input of dust
soalnya saya yakin sekali sudah ada paling sedikit tiga pohon
because I'm sure there were at least three trees
memiliki jumlah riak paling sedikit.
has the minimum number of wiggles.
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