Indonesian to English
panen harvest
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  1. pengetaman
    (panen, penuaian)
  2. penuaian
panen anggurvintage
panen/pemetikan hasilingathering

Related Word(s)

crop, cropping, crops, fruiting, harvest, harvested, harvesting, harvests, peak, planting, their, yield


Kami gagal panen, tak ada anak yang naik berat badannya selama setahun lebih.
We lost all the crops. No children gained weight for over a year;
panen mereka habis.
their harvest had been destroyed.
hasil panen para petani.
in crop yields with the farmers.
50 persen lainnya, dia panen, jual, dan mendapat uang dari itu.
The other 50 percent, he takes and he sells and he makes money on them.
gagalnya seluruh panen jagung di Amerika
to the entire American corn crop failing
bersama dengan gagalnya panen buah-buahan,
along with all of our fruit crops,
apapun itu -- gagalnya panen sorgum.
whatever sorghum is -- losing sorghum.
Lalu anda panen biji-bijinya --
Then you harvest the seeds --
sehingga sepertiga dari panen biji-bijian tahunan global
so that a third of the annual grain crop globally
karena candi-candilah yang mengatur panen,
Because it was the temples that organized the harvest,
didominasi oleh biji-bijian dan panen
was dominated by the grain and the harvest
hasil panen yang diperoleh juga jauh lebih meningkat.
we are getting very great increases in crop yield as well.
dengan hasil panen dari petani lokal,
with local agriculture from small farmers,
Selama musim panen, kembalikan pinjaman tadi dengan bunganya,
And during harvest, put it back with interest,
hasil panen mereka meningkat 2, 3, 4 kali lipat
their yields have gone up two-, three-, fourfold
Benih ini bukan hanya tanaman panen,
These are not just crop plants,
Setiap tahun, saat musim panen tiba,
Every year when it comes to the cotton harvest,
dan tidak mengkhawatirkan tentang musim panen padi atau kapas,
and not worry about peak rice hull or peak cottonseed hulls,
Ini hasil panen saya, hadirin sekalian.
This is my harvest, people.
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