para | plural marker preceding nouns referring to people in a certain capacity |
para | |||
para agen | agencies |
para ahli hukum | masters of the law |
para aktor | dramatis personae |
para anak manusia | sons of men |
para awak perahu | boatmen |
para bawahan | authorities with |
para dewa | gods |
para direktur | directors |
para direktur bank | bank directors |
para guru | the masters of |
para guru seluruh dunia | masters of the world |
para imam dan ahli kitab | priests and scribes |
para intelektual | intelectuals |
para laki-laki dan perempuan | men and women |
para meter | paraneter |
para militer | para-military |
para orang bijaksana | the wise men |
para orang kudus ku | my saints |
para pedagang | merchantmen |
para pejabat yang berwenang | competent authorities |
academics, adversaries, all, among, amongst, and, angels, any, apostles, architects, are, asean, asem, attach, authors, be, been, before, belied, boats, businessmen, but, by, candidates, chiefs, chieftains, citizens, clergy, clothing, commanders, consumers |
ContohMolekul ini membuat para ibu tikus In rodents, it was known
Jadi sebenarnya, para ekonom peneliti So in fact, experimental economists
Namun sebenarnya, para ekonom bingung But in fact, economists were flummoxed
Jadi dalam percobaan, kami memberikan testosteron kepada para pria. So we, in experiments, have administered testosterone to men.
Itu mengenai para dewa dan makhluk mitos It's Gods and mythical creatures
dan bagi kita yang berada di sini, para pemirsa And for the rest of us, audience members,
para politisi, anggota dewan sekolah, dan orang tua, that politicians and school board members and parents have
para nenek, for British grandmothers,
Para "Granny Cloud" tersebut duduk di seberang sana. The granny cloud sits over there.
yang pernah dicatat para ilmuwan untuk penguin Afrika -- scientists had ever recorded for the African penguin --
tanggapan para relawan yang luar biasa this extraordinary volunteer response
dan para penyelamat putus asa, and the rescuers despaired,
Dan para peneliti berdoa dan berharap and the researchers crossed their fingers and hoped
Dalam ajaran Yahudi, ajaran para Rabi, terdapat Hillel And within Jewish teachings, the rabbinic teachings, we have Hillel,
Para rabi menggambarkan hal ini ibarat seorang raja The rabbis describe this as being like a king
para rabi menyebutkan apa perbedaan antara adonan yang dibuat menjadi roti, the rabbis say, what is the difference between dough that is made into bread,
Secara simbolis, para rabi ingin berkata bahwa saat Paskah Yahudi, Symbolically, what the rabbis say is that at Passover,
para pendeta biasanya memiliki roti, the priests used to have bread,
mengejek para penindas. to mock your oppressor.
Para ksatria ini sekarang mengabdikan diri dan hidup mereka These warriors now devote themselves and their lives
Tetapi berita yang luar biasa adalah karena mereka telah membela para perempuan ini, But the amazing news was that because they had stood up, these women,
Di tahun-tahun yang dia jalani, dia mendidik orang tua, para ibu dan ayah, In the years that she walked, she educated parents, mothers, fathers.
ditabrak dan oleh para pelalu lalang dibiarkan berlumuran darah di pinggir jalan hit by a van and left bleeding in the street by passersby,
diperintahkan oleh para dewa untuk mendorong sebuah batu raksasa condemned by the gods to push a huge boulder
Mereka menyumpah para pengebom tersebut, And they make every one of those bombardiers take an oath,
memberikan rencana lengkap pembidik bom Norden kepada para Nazi. gave a complete set of the plans for the Norden bombsight to the Nazis.
apakah para ibu yang bisa mengobati keturunannya. whether it's the mothers that can medicate their offspring.
Bisakah para ibu bertelur di daun herbal Can the mothers lay their eggs on medicinal milkweed
Dengan kata lain, para betina ini In other words, what these females are doing
adalah bahwa para ibu monarch ini bisa bertelur di milkweed herbal is that these monarchs, these mothers, can lay their eggs on medicinal milkweed
Saat ini para mahasiswa dan saya Now the students and I
kami hentikan sebentar supaya para mahasiswa there's a pause and the student
Para mahasiswa belajar paling efektif Students learn best when
diatur oleh para mahasiswa sendiri. were self-organized by the students themselves.
Sangatlah penting bagi para peserta melihat It was crucial that the students see
Para artis kami terancam. Our artists are at risk.
Bangsa kami tergantung pada para artis Our people depend on our artists,
kehidupan para wanita Iran. the lives of Iranian women.
dalam artian para wanita Iran, secara historis in the way the women of Iran, historically,
keberadaan para wanita. the presence of the women.
para wanita digambarkan the images of the woman portrayed
para wanita terpelajar women who were educated,
Para wanita ini dan para pemuda itu These women and those young men
oleh para wanita Iran. from Iranian women.
para raja, Adipati Wellington, dan banyak orang terkenal -- kings, the Duke of Wellington, many, many famous people —
Air ini akan dialirkan kepada para petani, That water will go then to the farmers,
dan para petani akan dapat mengairi tanaman mereka, and the farmers will be able to water their plants,
para perusuh menjarah kantor pusat the rioters looted the headquarters
Di medan pertempuran, kami adalah para pejuang yang gagah berani. On the field of battle, we are brave and noble warriors.
Bu Russel, berkata kepada para murid-murid di kelas, Ms. Russell, said to the class,